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Security Sensors Orno 

Security Sensors: specifications, types


Modern security sensors are conditionally divided into three main groups: Temperature sensors are a special case: they can belong to any of these three groups.

Note that there are many combined models that combine several types of sensors at once. And here is a detailed description of each individual variety:

- Intersection sensor (barrier). Sensors reacting to the crossing of the guarded perimeter. Such a sensor generates a beam (or several beams) in the infrared range, and when such a beam is crossed by a foreign object, the device gives a signal. Most often, the IR barrier consists of a separately made receiver and transmitter, however, there are also one-sided devices in which the emitter itself “monitors” the reflection of the beam from a certain object. Recall that IR rays are invisible to the naked eye; this makes it possible to effectively disguise such a system. And the range of modern IR barriers can reach several hundred meters.

- Motion Sensor. Sensors that respond to moving objects in the field of view. They can use different principles of operation: infrared, microwave, etc. Motion sensors in the original sense of the term are used mainly as security; in such models, the functions of a break, vibration and / or temperature sensor may be additionally provided. However, there is another variety - household models designed for use as lighting sensors (see below). They are designed to switch the 230 V voltage intended for lighting fixtures (rather than the 12/24 V used in alarm systems), and most often use the same voltage for their own power supply; and other types of detection (except for movement) are not provided in such models. As for the types of work, infrared ones are based on the change in the thermal radiation of objects and can give false alarms due to unforeseen heat flows, and also depend on weather conditions. Combined, which, in addition to the infrared sensor, are equipped with a microwave (microwave), reacts not only to thermal changes. Accordingly, they are less prone to false positives, but much more expensive.

- Infrared (PIR) motion sensor.... The principle of the PIR infrared sensor (from the English passive infrared sensor) is based on fixing changes in thermal radiation from surrounding objects. Such sensors accurately register movement, but are not immune from false alarms due to unforeseen heat flows and depend on weather conditions. There are models that combine several PIR sensors, so they can analyze more changes and more accurately register movement.

Microwave (SHF) motion sensor. These sensors operate in the microwave radio range similar to a radar: the device periodically emits a pulse and, by analyzing the reflected signal, determines the presence of foreign objects in the controlled space. Such devices are somewhat more complicated and more expensive than infrared ones, but their capabilities are noticeably wider. For example, an IR sensor usually has a limited field of view, while a microwave device is able to "see" the entire 360° around. The "radar" coverage area is not limited to line of sight, it can detect foreign objects behind small obstacles - like window glass or partitions between workstations in an office. In addition, the microwave sensor is equally effective over the entire temperature range. Among the disadvantages, in addition to cost, it can be noted that it is undesirable to use them when people are constantly in the area of microwave action. However, most alarms still turn on only when there are no people in the room.

- Combined (PIR + microwave) motion sensor. Such models consist of two types of sensors, infrared (PIR) and microwave (microwave). Combined solutions combine two dissimilar technologies, which minimizes the number of false positives. In addition to thermal analysis, these devices emit electromagnetic waves at a high frequency, typically 5.8 GHz (may differ depending on the manufacturer). These waves are bounced off the surrounding objects, so that the sensor can register even slight changes.

- Break sensor. Security sensors that react to glass breaking. Nowadays, such sensors are most often made contactless and do not require placement on the glass itself, although there are exceptions. And the most popular principle of their work is acoustic: with the help of a microphone, the sensor “listens” to the environment and reacts to the sound of breaking glass (this sound is quite unique, it is easy to separate it from extraneous noise). There are other principles of operation, for example, infrared (reaction to a sharp change in the visible "picture") or vibration (tracking shocks and vibrations using a contact sensor). Some models also have the functionality of a motion sensor, and sometimes a full-fledged vibration sensor.

- Opening sensor. Security sensors that respond to the opening of windows, doors, hatches, etc. As a rule, the sensor itself is placed in a door or window opening, and a special mark is placed on the door / window. When closed, this label is in close proximity to the main device, and when opened, it moves away and the sensor is triggered. Such sensors may also have vibration and/or temperature detection.

- Vibration sensor. Security sensors that respond to various shocks and vibrations. They can be used for different purposes. For example, such a sensor can warn of an attempt to open a door or window, climb over a fence, crack a safe or an entire wall of a building; It can be mounted on a cabinet door or desk drawer as an opening alarm. And some of these devices are so sensitive that they can even be placed near individual valuable items - so that the sensor reacts to any attempt to move such an object from its place. On sale there are both specialized vibration sensors and models with combined functionality that also respond to movement, breaking, opening and / or temperature.

- Smoke detector. Fire-fighting sensors that react to the appearance of smoke in the air. This is one of the simplest and most reliable methods for detecting a fire: smoke during fires is almost guaranteed, and even with a low intensity of the flame, smoke is often quite significant. For additional reliability, such detectors can be combined with gas and/or temperature sensors.

- Gas sensor. Fire detectors that react to the presence of a certain gas in the air. The specific format of operation of such devices may be different. So, some models react to carbon monoxide (CO) - not only is it a product of combustion and a sign of fire, but it is also dangerous in itself, so such a sensor also provides protection against carbon monoxide poisoning. A number of devices are triggered when a significant amount of domestic gas appears in the air (for example, from an open burner or a damaged pipeline), methane, propane-butane, etc. - in such cases, timely notification avoids an explosion. Finally, sensors that are able to detect sleeping gases are marked in a separate line. Note that gas sensors may also have smoke and/or temperature response functions.

— Leak sensor (flooding). Household sensors that react to the appearance of moisture on the floor or other surfaces. Such a sensor is installed right in the place of possible flooding, and a pair (or several pairs) of special contacts are used for detection: even a small amount of water between the terminals closes them and leads to operation. Contacts can be placed both on the sensor body itself and on a remote unit connected to it with a wire. Some of these devices also have a temperature sensor function.

- Temperature sensor. By itself, temperature detection is very versatile, it is used in all major formats of sensors - security, fire, domestic. At the same time, there are very few temperature sensors in their pure form - these are separate fire models that respond to a significant increase in temperature. In the security format, this type of detection is most often combined with motion or opening detection; Specifically, a thermal sensor in security systems can provide, for example, tracking heat from living objects or responding to a change in temperature in a room when a door / window is opened. As for domestic use, here we are talking about monitoring and controlling the microclimate in the room; To this end, sensors of this type are often supplemented with humidity sensors.

- Humidity sensor. Household sensors that monitor indoor air humidity. Humidity is one of the key characteristics of the microclimate, maintaining a certain level is necessary both for the normal well-being of people and for more specific tasks - ensuring optimal conditions in a warehouse, workshop, laboratory, etc. Note that pure humidity sensors are found rare, usually this function is combined with temperature detection.

— Lighting. Sensors designed to automatically turn on and off lighting. Almost all such models are a special kind of motion sensors described above. And the main difference from traditional (security) motion sensors is that this type of sensors is used to switch the voltage of 230 V (and not 12/24 V); the same voltage is often used for its own power supply, although there are also models with batteries / accumulators. In addition, most of these devices have brightness control (see "Functions and Capabilities"). The light sensor can also be used for security purposes - to illuminate a moving object that has entered the protected area. However, most often such sensors provide convenience in purely everyday situations - for example, to turn on the light in a dark entrance when a person enters it.


The method of use that is normally provided for by the design of the sensor, in other words, the environmental conditions for which it is designed.

Street. Devices designed for outdoor use, outdoors (or indoors where the climate is not particularly different from the outside). When used in this way, the sensor is exposed to a number of adverse effects — high and low temperatures, sunlight, precipitation, dust, etc. Thus, street models have a high degree of body protection, which allows them to endure the mentioned “troubles” without consequences. However, it should be taken into account that the specific range of protection, operating temperature and humidity may be different — for example, not every outdoor sensor is able to endure frosts below -20 °C. So street use alone does not guarantee that a given model will be suitable — when buying, it is worth looking at the specific performance characteristics and comparing them with the intended conditions of use.

Indoors. Devices designed for indoor use. Conditions "under the roof" are milder than outdoors, so these sensors do not require particularly advanced housing protection. In addition, they often differ from street models in a more accurate and compact appearance — after all, it often happens that the device must not only perform its direct functions, but also more or less fit into the interior.

Note that, technicall...y, outdoor sensors may well be used indoors; this is not always justified from the point of view of price and design (street models are more expensive than "internal" counterparts and may not fit into the interior), but otherwise it is quite acceptable, and even the manufacturers themselves sometimes declare this possibility. But the opposite option — installing a sensor for indoors on the street — is highly undesirable: even in perfect weather, such a device will most likely not work for a long time (and correct operation is not guaranteed, even if the sensor is outwardly fully functional).


Standard installation method assumed by the sensor design.

- Ceiling. Ceiling mounting is somewhat more complicated than wall mounting, but from a height the sensor can cover a large space. In addition, it can be installed above any point in the room - both close to the walls and away from them.

— Ceiling (built-in). A type of ceiling model, designed for installation in such a way that the body is completely recessed inside, and only a small part of the sensor is located outside. Built-in solutions fit harmoniously into the interior, but are more complex in terms of installation and reinstallation.

Wall-mounted. Wall mounting requires some preparation (often you have to drill holes for fasteners), but in general it is somewhat simpler than ceiling mounting. The disadvantage of this option is the limited possibilities for choosing the location of the sensor in the room.

— Wall-mounted (built-in). An option with the sensor being built into the wall - so that only a small part of the device is located outside, and its body is completely recessed into the wall. Often, it is necessary to provide a niche in the wall for such sensors at the stage of renovation of the room.

— Wall/ceiling. Devices that allow both installation options described above; For this purpose, the design provides f...or an appropriate universal fastening. Thanks to it, the customer can choose the best option depending on the situation, and even change the installation method if the need arises.

Tabletop. Devices installed on a table or any other flat surface. This installation method is as simple as possible; in addition, it allows you to easily move the sensor from place to place. At the same time, desktop installations in general are not reliable, so they are extremely rare.

— Tabletop/wall-mounted. Sensors that provide both tabletop and wall mounting. These are mainly small flat household solutions.

- On the windows. An installation method found exclusively in individual break sensors with a contact operating principle. As a rule, such sensors are capable of tracking not only glass breaking, but also more or less strong impacts on it, and sending a signal in advance.

— On the body of the spotlight. Mounts directly to the body of a spotlight or other lighting fixture. Found exclusively in light sensors. This installation has a number of advantages over remote mounting of the sensor: firstly, the entire “sensor + spotlight” system is as compact as possible, and secondly, you can get by with a minimum length of connecting wires. On the other hand, not every spotlight has the ability to mount a sensor; it wouldn’t hurt to clarify this point in advance.

- Corner. Another installation option, typical primarily for light sensors (see “Purpose”). In this case, “corner” does not mean “in the corner”, but “on the corner” - the sensor is placed on the corner of a building, fence, wall, etc. Moreover, the horizontal coverage angle (see below) in such devices is usually 270° - in other words, the sensor covers the entire space around it, except the wall itself.

— In the door frame/window frame. Installation method used in opening sensors. Such models usually consist of a pair of devices: the sensor itself, installed on a door or window opening, and a tag placed on the door/window. This device works due to the fact that when the door/window is opened, the tag moves away from the sensor.

- Floor-standing. A variant found exclusively in flood sensors. These sensors are originally designed to detect moisture on the floor, so that's where they are placed; There are practically no exceptions to this rule.


A method of connecting sensors to an alarm system, gateway or other control device.

Wired. Such a connection is not very convenient during the initial placement — due to the need to lay wires. Yes, and the distance to the control device is limited by the length of the cable. On the other hand, the connection turns out to be as reliable and safe as possible, such sensors are much cheaper than wireless ones, and their operation does not require separate power sources — energy can be supplied through the wire used for connection (although there are also models on batteries and batteries — see more details. " Nutrition"). Also note that purely technically, such a sensor is easier to disable than a wireless one — just cut the wire; however, in fact, this is not easy to do, since you need to have physical access to the wiring.

Wireless. Such a connection, usually, is carried out via a radio channel using Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or specialized standards (see "Communication Protocol"). Its main advantage is obvious: the absence of wires greatly simplifies the installation of sensors, especially in hard-to-reach places. At the same time, the range of such a connection can reach tens and even hundreds of metres. Theoretically, the radio link is more susceptible to interference than the wire; however, in fact, it is not easy to jam such communications, and quite advanced encryption systems are usual...ly provided to protect against signal interception. But the unequivocal disadvantages of wireless models are a higher cost than wired ones, and the need to organize their own power supply (in the form of batteries / batteries or a separate connection to the network).

Communication protocol

Communication protocol (standard) used by the wireless format sensor (see “Connection”).

This parameter directly affects compatibility - the equipment with which the sensor is used must support the same protocol, otherwise normal operation will not be possible. As for specific options, modern sensors can use both common standards Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, as well as specialized protocols - most often Z-Wave, Zigbee, Jeweler or Fibra. Sensors can also operate at their own frequency. Here is a more detailed description of each of these standards:

- Wi-Fi. A technology used primarily for building wireless computer networks, and more recently also for direct communication between individual devices. For communications, the 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz band is most often used. In the case of wireless sensors, one of the advantages of Wi-Fi is that it is a widely accepted standard; thanks to this, many sensors with this type of communication can work without special equipment - they are able to connect to ordinary wireless routers or even individual devices such as laptops and tablets (some models even allow sending notifications via the Internet, through the same router). However, this versatility also has a downside: Wi-Fi does not have ad...ditional optimization for working with wireless sensors. As a result, such communication is inferior to specialized protocols in terms of overall reliability, special functionality and energy efficiency. So this type of communication is typical mainly for devices designed for simple conditions of use - such as climate temperature/humidity sensors for smart home systems.

— Bluetooth. Another commonly used wireless communication standard. Operates in the 2.4 GHz band; Unlike Wi-Fi, it is used only for direct communication between devices. It is also poorly suited for professional use (in particular, the response delay can reach 2–3 seconds), and therefore is found mainly in household sensors designed for communication to smartphones/tablets or smart home systems. The most commonly used protocol for communication is Bluetooth LE, supported by Bluetooth modules version 4.0 and higher: it is specially designed for miniature devices with small built-in batteries, allows data transfer with very low energy costs and at the same time provides a range of up to 100 m.

- Z-Wave. Communication protocol developed specifically for automation and remote control systems. Provides for the transmission of the simplest and shortest control commands with minimal delays; Communication uses a range of up to 1 GHz, making such communication virtually immune to interference from Wi-Fi and Bluetooth devices located nearby. Another interesting feature of Z-Wave is the use of a MESH type topology. The signal from a sensor in such a network can be transmitted to the control device either directly or through any number of intermediate nodes, and the optimal route is determined taking into account the current situation: for example, if one of the nodes on the shortest signal path fails, the information will go “to bypass", through other repeaters within range. However, it is worth noting that MESH relay significantly increases energy consumption, so Z-Wave nodes powered by batteries/accumulators do not perform it.

- Zigbee. Another communication protocol created for automation systems (including smart home), alarms, industrial control, etc. Optimized for secure data transfer at low speeds and with minimal power consumption acceptable for miniature battery-powered devices. Just like the Z-Wave described above, it uses a MESH network topology, with the ability to transmit a signal through several nodes and automatically select the optimal route taking into account the current situation in the network. It is distinguished by good protection and noise immunity, as well as a high response speed (recovery from sleep mode takes about 15 milliseconds), due to which it is quite widely used in modern wireless sensors.

— Jeweler. Ajax Systems' own development, a communication protocol created specifically for protection systems - this is its fundamental difference from the standards described above. The creators declared such advantages as long range (up to 2000 m), high response speed (0.15 ms), low power consumption (up to 7 years of continuous operation in some sensor models), support for several frequencies (with automatic switching when the level of interference or jamming attempt), an advanced system of protection against failures and interference (with high-quality encryption, precise detection of the type of attack and the sensor being hacked, as well as notification of jamming), as well as the ability to operate up to 150 devices on one hub. Among the obvious disadvantages, one can note only its limited use: Jeweler is supported only by devices from Ajax Systems (at least for now). However, special integration modules are produced that allow connecting such sensors to wired and wireless control panels from other manufacturers.

— Fibra. The Fibra wired communication protocol was created by Ajax System specifically for protection systems. The technology inherits the wireless capabilities of the related Jeweler protocol (see above), but all devices are connected using a traditional four-wire cable. One Fibra line up to 2000 m long can connect one sensor or several dozen (together with sirens and keyboards in any combination). The digital architecture when using the Fibra communication protocol is built in the proprietary Ajax PRO application. The transmitted data is protected using floating key encryption, and Fibra communication is organized according to the TDMA principle: each device is allocated a short period of time to exchange data with the hub. The rest of the time, communication modules remain inactive, which significantly reduces power consumption and helps avoid conflicts even when several sensors are triggered simultaneously. Fibra is supported in hardware only by devices from Ajax Systems, however, there are special integration modules that allow you to connect such sensors to wired control panels from other manufacturers.

— Natural frequency. In the context of protection sensors, this parameter refers to the natural frequency at which wireless data exchange is ensured between parts of the protection system. Its specific value is determined by the device manufacturer, but the most common options are 433 - 434 MHz and 868 MHz. Using a natural frequency improves the reliability and protection of the protection system because it reduces the likelihood of interference from other wireless devices operating at similar frequencies. When choosing based on this parameter, it is important to consider equipment compatibility, standards and licensing requirements (in order to avoid potential violations of the law).


Sensitivity adjustment. The ability to change the threshold of the sensor, adjusting it to the specifics of the situation. Such adjustment is mainly used to prevent false positives: for example, so that the outdoor light sensor does not turn on the light, reacting to tree branches swaying in the wind. There are other nuances associated with adjusting the sensitivity; more details about them can be found in special sources.

Adjustment of illumination. A function mainly used in light sensors. Usually, such devices are equipped with photocells that evaluate the level of ambient light; if it is too light around and there is no need to turn on the lighting, the sensor simply will not respond to “external stimuli”. And adjusting the illumination allows you to adjust the response threshold of the photocell — that is, the level of illumination below which the sensor begins to work for its main purpose.

Adjustment of the response time. Ability to change the timer on the light sensor. Usually, such sensors, having ceased to detect movement in the field of view, do not turn off the light immediately, but with some delay — this format of operation is considered optimal for a number of reasons. And the adjustment of the response time allows you to set the shutdown time at the request of the user (within certain limits, of course); this can be useful for adjus...ting the sensor to the particular situation. For example, when installing a lamp over the porch of a private house, the front door to this house may be in the dead zone of the sensor; setting the timer allows you to select the shutdown time so that the owner can easily open this door before the light goes out, and the lamp does not waste extra energy.

Immunity to animals. A function found mainly in motion sensors, including separate models for lighting. The general idea is already clear from the name: this feature allows you to avoid triggering the sensor on cats, dogs and other animals. Such immunity can be useful not only in the presence of domestic “living creatures”, but also in other situations: for example, if neighboring cats can enter the yard served by the sensor. Note that the threshold for this function can be either fixed (for example, “from 20 kg”) or configurable; this point should be clarified separately. And in IR barriers with this function, a different principle is usually used — determining the height of an object. To do this, the device generates two (or more) parallel beams at different heights, and the short-term shading of the lower beam, which is typical for small animals, is not perceived as a trigger.

— Alarm signal. This feature means that the sensor is capable of sounding its own alarm, usually by means of a built-in siren. Such a signal can be very useful in some situations. For example, a siren from a security motion or breakage sensor can attract the attention of witnesses or even the police, significantly complicating the task of an attacker; and the sound from a smoke or gas sensor alerts all people nearby, allowing you to take action to counter an emergency as quickly as possible. Another useful feature of this function is that many sensors with a siren are able to at least partially perform their task even if communication with the control panel is completely lost.

— Protection against opening/separation. Additional protection against attempts to disable the sensor or interfere with its operation: when such attempts are detected, the sensor gives an alarm. Note that the specific features of such protection may be different, depending on the type and specific model of the sensor. Some devices react to a violation of the integrity of the case, others — to the loss of contact with the supporting surface, others — to characteristic shocks, shocks or vibrations that occur when trying to open or tear off the sensor, etc. Such nuances should be clarified separately. However, anyway, this type of protection provides additional security; it does not give an absolute guarantee against interference in the alarm system, however, it greatly complicates such a task.

— Communication jamming notification. A function found in wireless sensors (see "Connection"). When it detects attempts to jam the wireless connection, such a sensor sends a warning to the control panel, and if the connection is completely lost due to jamming, it turns on its own alarm. This makes it much more difficult to interfere with the wireless alarm system.

Horizontal angle of coverage

The angle covered by the sensor horizontally. This is one of the parameters that determines the size of the sensor's field of view, along with the vertical coverage angle (see below).

For wall and similar sensors (see "Installation") that "look" horizontally or almost horizontally, the meaning of this parameter is obvious. But in ceiling models, its value may be different. So, if the coverage angle of 360° is specified for the ceiling sensor, this means that the field of view has the shape of a regular cone, the coverage spot is round, and the width of this cone is determined by the vertical coverage angle. If the viewing angle in such a device is less than 360 °, this means that the cone of the field of view turned out to be “flattened”, the field of view is oval, and the horizontal coverage angle in this case describes the size of the field of view along the long axis. The same applies to models with a combined installation — wall / ceiling.

Anyway, this parameter must be taken into account when choosing a sensor for specific conditions. So, for large rooms with entrances from several sides, omnidirectional sensors are useful, and if there is only one door and there are no other ways of penetration, a narrowly directed one can also come in handy. For a light sensor mounted above the porch of a house, a wide field of view is usually not required; on the contrary, a narrow coverage angle can be an advantage, in particular, it can replace immunity to animals to a certain extent (see "Functions and Capabilities") — in some cases, the sensor can be directed so that it does not see domestic "animals". But corner light sensors, on the contrary, by definition cover a vast area.

A separate case is represented by IR barriers (see "Purpose"). In them, the horizontal coverage angle is the angle by which the IR emitter can be rotated without moving the body of the device. It is indicated by the total covered sector, that is, an angle of 90 ° means the possibility of turning 45 ° in each direction from the central position. Movable emitters are provided for adjusting the system and pointing the beams at the receivers; such a need, usually, arises during installation, because pointing accuracy must be very high, and it is very difficult to achieve it due to the position of the hull alone.

Vertical angle of coverage

Angle covered by the sensor vertically. Along with the horizontal angle of coverage (see above) describes the overall size of the sensor's field of view.

Note that in ceiling-mounted models, viewing angles may be specified in a specific way; see "Horizontal Wrap Angle" for more on this. In other cases, the meaning of this parameter is generally obvious. At the same time, vertical coverage is considered not as important as horizontal coverage. In many models, it is not indicated at all — it is assumed that if the sensor is more or less accurately aimed at the required area within the range, the coverage angle will be sufficient to trigger if necessary.

In IR barriers (see "Intended use"), the meaning of this parameter is somewhat different: it is the angle by which the IR beam can be deflected in the vertical plane to accurately aim at the signal receiver. However, it is relatively easy to install the receiver and emitter at the same height, so these angles are usually small — up to 20 ° (10 ° in both directions), and often even less.


The nominal range of the sensor.

The specific meaning of this parameter depends on the type of device (see "Sensor"); however, in most cases, we are actually talking about the maximum detection range. So, for a motion sensor, the range is the maximum distance at which the sensor is able to detect a moving object; for a non-contact break sensor, this is the maximum distance to the glass at which the device can be installed; for a vibration sensor — the greatest distance to a powerful source of vibrations (for example, a rotary hammer that breaks a protected wall). Only IR barriers are a special case: in them, the range of action corresponds to the greatest distance over which the emitter and the beam receiver (or the emitter and the surface from which the beam is reflected) can be separated.

Anyway, it must be borne in mind that the range is usually indicated for perfect, at best, for some average conditions. So when choosing, it is worth taking a certain margin — this will give an additional guarantee in case of an unfavorable situation (for example, fog that interferes with the operation of the IR sensor). As for specific values, in many sensors (mainly intended for indoors) the operating range does not exceed 10 m. 11 – 14 m can be called an average value, and in the most "long-range" models this figure reaches 15 m or more.

Cable length

Cable length for connecting to the control panel or other external device, provided in the wired sensor (see "Connection"). Based on this information, you can evaluate whether it will be possible to install the device in the selected location using only the "native" wire. However, even if the initial length is not enough, the wire can be supplemented with an extension cord; and some sensors use detachable cables tailored to the specific situation. So in general, this parameter is more of a reference than practically significant.

Response time

The response time of the sensor is, relatively speaking, the “speed of reaction” to the monitored event. Indicated by the time that elapses between the event being recorded and sending a signal to the control panel and/or turning on its own siren.

Theoretically, the shorter the response time of the sensor, the higher the overall reliability of the system, the faster it is able to respond to an event. At the same time, it is worth noting that in most models this time is measured in hundredths of a second — on average, from 0.03 to 0.15 s. Such a difference is fundamental only in very specific situations, when the count really goes to fractions of a second — for example, if a sensor is used to stop an industrial mechanism when a person appears in a dangerous area. In simpler cases, this parameter can be ignored.


The ambient temperature at which the temperature sensor is triggered. This parameter is relevant primarily for fire-fighting sensors (see "Sensor"); household and security temperature sensors operate in a slightly different format — they constantly record the temperature, and do not work when a predetermined level is exceeded.

Most often, the response threshold is in the range of 54 ... 59 °C — for most rooms this is clearly above the norm and at the same time this temperature is relatively low, which makes it possible to detect a fire at the earliest stages. At the same time, for some conditions — for example, industrial workshops with equipment that generates a lot of heat — higher values \u200b\u200bmay be required (so that the sensor does not respond to high, but acceptable temperatures). Thus, some fire temperature sensors have the ability to adjust this parameter — namely, an increase in the response temperature. For such models, this paragraph indicates the minimum value of the response threshold, and the adjustment range is specified in the notes.

Communication range

The communication range provided by the wireless sensor (see “Connection”) is the maximum distance to a neighboring device at which the sensor is able to maintain uninterrupted communication.

Note that some communication technologies allow operation through repeaters (for more details, see "Communication Protocol"); in such cases, the actual connection range may be noticeably greater than the sensor's own communication range. However, anyway, note that this parameter is usually given for perfect conditions — within the line of sight, without obstacles in the signal path and interference in the used range. In fact, the range of the sensor may be noticeably lower — especially when working through walls; therefore, it is worth choosing according to this indicator with a certain margin. At the same time, the rule “the more the better” is quite valid here: a long range contributes to the overall reliability and stability of the connection.

Max. connection power

The maximum power that the sensor can handle.

This parameter is relevant only for light sensors (see "Sensor"). It indicates the maximum power of the lighting system that can be connected through this sensor. For modern models, the permissible power up to 1 kW is considered relatively low, 1 – 2 kW is considered average, and in the most advanced sensors this figure can exceed 2 kW.

Anyway, the maximum power supply must not be exceeded — this can lead to overload, damage, and even fire of the sensor. And it is best to choose power at least with a small margin, in case of emergency situations. For example, if the lighting system consists of 6 lamps of 150 W each, they will need a sensor of at least 900 W (6 * 150 W), and ideally at least 1000 W.

Power source

The type of power used by the sensor.

Nowadays, you can find models that operate from 230 V household networks, from an external power supply of 12 V(less often 24 V), from a microUSB or USB type C connector, as well as from autonomous sources - batteries or accumulators. Here is a detailed description of each option:

— 12 V. Standard operating voltage for most modern alarm systems. This type of power is found in wired sensors other than light sensors; the energy comes through the same wire that is used to transmit signals to the control panel.

- 24 V. Another type of power used in alarm systems with wired sensors. However, for a number of reasons it is much less common than 230 V.

— 230 V. Option used primarily in light sensors. Such devices are designed to switch the 230 V voltage supplied to the lamps - it is quite logical to power the sensors themselves from the same 230 V. Occasionally, there are other types of sensors with a similar connection, sometimes of a rather original design - for example, gas sensors that are plugged into an outlet when installed, or wireless motion detectors that are mounted in a lighting socket.

- Batteries. Powered by replaceable standard size batter...ies. Such batteries can be either disposable or rechargeable, but in sensors the first option is most often used (and the term “battery” in this case usually refers to a slightly different type of power source - see below). This type of power supply is found mainly in wireless models, but can also be provided in wired sensors to ensure the operation of certain functions - for example, an alarm signal when communication with the control panel is lost. Formally, using batteries requires additional costs - batteries are not always included in the kit, unlike batteries. However, in practice, these costs are quite insignificant - especially since the energy consumption of most sensors is so low that the operating time on one set of batteries is often calculated in years. And you can change such a power source in a matter of seconds (while the battery needs time to charge). In light of this, batteries are the most popular in modern self-powered sensors.

- Battery. Powered by a battery that is not a standard size and does not allow for quick replacement (often not removable at all). This is another option found in wireless models (and some wired sensors with "standalone" functionality), along with the batteries described above. The advantages of the battery are that it is initially included in the package, and when the charge is depleted, you do not need to buy a new battery - you just need to charge the existing one. On the other hand, charging requires a power source and a certain amount of time, during which the sensor will most likely be inoperative. And although the operating time on a charge, as in the case of batteries, is often calculated in years, batteries are still used in modern sensors much less often.

- microUSB. The microUSB connector provides power to security sensors with a constant voltage of 5 V and low current values.

— USB type C. Power supply via USB type C connector with low constant voltage and current.

External power supply to security sensors with microUSB and USB type C connectors can be established from a standard smartphone charging unit or any other suitable adapter. Often this power supply is combined with autonomous power supply - from replaceable batteries of a standard size (see paragraph “Power from batteries”).

Working hours

Operating time of the self-powered sensor on one set of batteries or battery charge (see "Power"). Note that this indicator is quite approximate — it is usually indicated either for an perfect or for a certain “average” mode of operation. The real battery life also depends on a number of practical nuances: the frequency of operations, the communication range, the level of interference, etc., up to the air temperature. So in fact, the operating time may differ from the claimed one, and in the other direction. Nevertheless, according to this characteristic, it is quite possible to both evaluate the overall battery life of the sensor and compare different models with each other: the difference in the indicated operating time usually fully corresponds to the difference in real battery life.

Note that modern sensors have very low power consumption, so their operating time is calculated in months.

Protection class

The class of protection against adverse environmental conditions, which corresponds to the sensor body.

This parameter is traditionally designated according to the IP standard - marking "IP" with two digits, each of which corresponds to its own indicator. So, the first digit describes the protection against the ingress of dust and foreign objects; among the sensors for this indicator, there are such options:

— 2. Protection against objects with a thickness of 12.5 mm or more; prevents penetration of fingers.
- 3. Protection against objects with a thickness of 2.5 mm, in particular many tools.
— 4. Protection against objects with a thickness of 1 mm, such as most wires.
— 5. Complete protection against contact of the “filling” with foreign objects, resistance to dust (dust can penetrate inside the case, but in small quantities that do not affect the operation of the device).
— 6. Completely closed case, excluding the ingress of dust.

Note that this parameter describes only the mechanical protection provided by the case (roughly speaking, the size of the holes in it and objects that can penetrate through them). In this case, there is no question of protection against opening and interference with the operation of the sensor - this is a completely separate nuance implemented in other ways (for example, by installing a case opening sensor).

The second digit characterizing the protection against moisture can b...e as follows:

- 0. The complete absence of any protection, water ingress to the body is not allowed. As a rule, means that the sensor is intended exclusively for internal use.
— 1. Protection against vertical drops of water.
— 2. Protection against vertical drops when the body is tilted up to 15° from the standard position.
— 3. Protection against splashes falling on the body at an angle of up to 60 ° to the horizontal. The minimum indicator that allows you to talk about resistance to rain.
— 4. Protection against splashes from any direction. Allows you to safely endure rain with strong winds.
— 5. Protection against water jets from any direction, resistance to storms.
— 6. Protection against strong water jets or strong sea waves (when the device can completely hide under the wave for a short time).

Higher levels of moisture resistance, allowing immersion in water, are not found in modern sensors - this is simply not required, for the most severe conditions, a level of 6 or even 5 is usually sufficient.

The degree of protection according to IP is especially important to consider when choosing outdoor sensors (see "Use") - they are the most susceptible to adverse effects. It is worth noting here that if the degree of protection is not specified, this does not mean that the device is not protected. It's just that it has not passed official IP certification, but the actual degree of protection can be quite high (in such cases it should be clarified according to the manufacturer's documentation). At the same time, we emphasize that a certain degree of IP protection in itself does not guarantee the possibility of outdoor use - after all, the sensor must withstand not only moisture and dust, but also temperature extremes, sunlight and other adverse factors.

Operating temperature

Ambient temperature range in which the sensor is guaranteed to remain operational.

All modern sensors are able to transfer the temperatures typical for residential and office premises without consequences. Therefore, it makes sense to pay attention to this parameter mainly in those cases when the sensor is planned to be used in more unfavorable conditions — for example, on the street, in an unheated room, in a “hot” industrial workshop, etc. At the same time, we emphasize that even for the most "Heat-resistant" models are undesirable exposure to direct sunlight — they can heat the case to temperatures that are much higher than permissible.

Maximum humidity

The highest relative air humidity at which the sensor can be used.

Many models can easily tolerate short-term (up to several hours) stay in a more humid atmosphere; however, for a complete guarantee, it is still better not to exceed the permissible humidity. As for specific numbers, in residential/office spaces (and similar environments) the relative humidity rarely exceeds 70%. But for outdoor use and rooms with high humidity (swimming pools, laundries, etc.), it is advisable to use sensors designed for a humidity of at least 90%.
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Motion sensor type
Installation location
Communication protocol
Horizontal angle of coverage
Vertical angle of coverage
Connected load power (for lighting)
Power source
Clear parameters