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Frame Pools: specifications, types


Modern frame pools can have a different shape: round, rectangular, square or non-standard(mainly a polyhedron is provided). The shape of the pool primarily affects the possibility of its placement on the site and ease of use, but practically does not affect other characteristics. In other words, you can choose a model of the desired volume, type, or with a specific list of additional features (pump, canopy, stairs), regardless of the shape. Swimming pools come in various sizes — from small children's to huge adults.

At the same time, it is worth noting a purely practical point — rectangular models with the longest possible frame are best suited for swimming, and a round pool can serve as an excellent solution for a fun family vacation — there is a place and a volume for a big company to splash.


The working volume of the pool is the amount of water that is standardly contained by the product.

Usually, the working volume is indicated based on the occupancy of the pool at 80% of the maximum capacity. With such a fullness, there will be enough water inside for normal use and at the same time it will not overflow when the next person is immersed in the pool or when waves occur.

The capacity of the pool directly depends on the volume: the larger the tank, the more people will be able to swim in it at the same time. In addition, more capacious models are often also deeper. On the other hand, a large capacity correspondingly affects the cost and puts forward increased requirements for additional equipment: a powerful pump, a performant filter, an efficient drain system, etc. are needed. Accordingly, it does not always make sense to chase large volumes.

In addition, it is worth noting that products with the same volume can differ markedly in size and, moreover, in shape. So in fact, the volume often turns out to be a secondary parameter, and it is easier to choose a pool in terms of length-width-depth.


Dug-in models of pools are distinguished primarily by frost resistance, which makes it possible, if not to use them all year round, but at least not to dismantle them for the winter. Naturally, the installation can include both dig-in and ground installation. Such models of pools are more reliable due to the metal walls over which the film is stretched.


The type of filter that the pool is equipped with.

The filter is one of the most important types of equipment for swimming pools, including frame ones. It is responsible for cleaning water from dust, small specks and other contaminants. Considering that modern frame pools are quite capacious, it is easier, more convenient and cheaper to drive water through a filter than to change it entirely every time it gets dirty. Filters can be like this:

Sandy. A device with a filter element in the form of a container containing fine sand of a special composition. During the passage of water, sand retains mechanical impurities, including rather small ones. One of the main advantages of sand filters is their high performance, they cope better with large volumes of water than another popular variety — cartridge systems (see below). In addition, filters of this type are reusable — if the sand is contaminated, nothing needs to be changed, it is enough to arrange a backwash. Among the disadvantages of this variety, one can note a relatively low filtration efficiency (including the inability to cope with chemical impurities), as well as large sizes. However, in many cases, the latter is not a disadvantage — the size of the filter is still small compared to the dimensions of the tank itself, and such a device is placed outside the pool, and you can choose the installation location so that the filter do...es not create any inconvenience.

Cartridge. In accordance with the name, these filters use special cartridges with filter elements in the form of membranes made of polymeric material. Cartridges are made disposable, with contamination and wear, such an element must be changed. This is associated with additional costs, but consumables are inexpensive, and initially cartridge filters are cheaper than sand filters. Another advantage is their relatively compact size. The speed of operation of cartridges is lower than that of sand systems, however, such a filter can still be made sufficiently performant even for a fairly large volume of water. Thanks to all this, most modern frame pools are equipped with cartridge devices.


Performance of the pump supplied with the pool (see above).

It refers to the amount of water that the unit can pump per hour. Knowing this amount and the volume of the pool (see above), you can estimate how long it will take to filter it.

Note that manufacturers usually choose the performance of a complete filter, based on the optimal compromise between good speed and low cost, as well as the weight of the unit itself. Therefore, in fact, this parameter may be required mainly in the case of searching for a replacement for the standard filter.

More features

Canopy. The presence of a canopy in the design of the pool. The main function of such a "roof" is to cover the people inside from the sun's rays. In addition, with the proper dimensions, the canopy can play the role of protection from the rain. Usually, canopies in modern frame pools are made removable.

Staircase. Frame pools with sides from a height of 1 metre, usually, are equipped with special ladders. In the absence of the latter, getting in and out of the pool is quite inconvenient, and in some cases even traumatic. The user can always purchase the required ladder separately, but here it is worth paying attention to the fact that the ladders included with the pool are ideally adjusted to the height of the sides, which makes it more convenient and safe to use.

Awning. The presence of an awning in the scope of delivery of the pool. An awning in this case means a “cover” made of fabric or other soft material, which can be used to cover the pool during non-working hours. Thanks to such a “lid”, leaves, insects, dust and other contaminants do not get into the water. Third-party devices can also be used to protect against debris, however, a complete awning, usually, is much more convenient: it optimally matches the dimensions of the pool, moreover, it is often equipped with devices for secure fastening.

Bedding.... The presence of bedding in the scope of delivery of the pool. The main function of such a product is additional protection of the bottom from punctures: the litter covers small pebbles, twigs and other similar objects, due to which the probability of an “accident” is, if not eliminated, then at least significantly reduced. In addition, the pads are usually larger than the tank itself, go beyond its edges and can be used as an impromptu “rug” for swimming: for example, it is more convenient to take off your shoes before climbing into the pool and put on your shoes again on the pad, and not on the bare earth.

Wall material

The main material used in the construction of the pool. Usually, the material of the walls is indicated in this paragraph. They are usually made of various polymeric materials — for example, PVC or vinyl.

The quality, reliability and durability of the pool directly depends on the material of the walls. However, it should be borne in mind here that the same material can be presented on the market in several varieties. In addition, various additional tricks can be used in the design — for example, multilayer walls. Therefore, it is worth evaluating the quality of the pool not so much by the claimed material, but by the general price category of the product (compared to models of a similar volume and functionality).

Wall thickness

Pool wall thickness.

This parameter is specified exclusively for products of the so-called sheet (sectional) design. The basis of such a pool consists of sheets of metal or plastic, which are interconnected into a single structure; inside this structure, a sheath of PVC film is stretched. Such a design is noticeably more expensive than a rod one (a shell on a frame in the form of a set of separate racks and crossbars), but its strength and reliability are much higher; we note that all-weather instilled pools (see above) are usually made exactly sheet.

Actually, the wall thickness is the thickness of the metal or plastic sheets that form the basis of such a product. In modern products, it usually ranges from 0.35 to 0.8 mm. In general, the greater the thickness, the stronger and more reliable the walls; however, when choosing, it is worth considering not only this parameter, but also the material from which the frame sheets are made: metal is generally stronger, and it requires less thickness than plastic.

Film thickness

The thickness of the film used as the inner shell of the pool.

This parameter is specified exclusively for products of the so-called sheet (sectional) structure. The basis of such a pool consists of sheets of metal or plastic, which are interconnected into a single structure; inside this structure, a sheath of PVC film is stretched. Such a design is noticeably more expensive than a rod one (a shell on a frame in the form of a set of separate racks and crossbars), but its strength and reliability are much higher; we note that all-weather instilled pools (see above) are usually made sheet for the most part.

As for the film thickness, it can be from 0.2 to 0.6 mm. Thicker shells, naturally, are more expensive, but their strength is higher.


General dimensions of the pool in the unfolded position. In general, this is a fairly obvious parameter; we note only a couple of important points:

— In the largest models, the length or size can exceed 6 m, in the smallest models it does not even reach 2 m.

— It is worth keeping in mind that a frame pool should be filled with water no more than 80%. Accordingly, the maximum depth of such a structure will not exceed 80% of the total height. For example, the category of deep frame pools usually includes products with a height of more than 130 cm - accordingly, the working depth in such models is slightly more than 1 m (130 * 0.8 = 104 cm). And for the younger generation, children's's frame pools are provided, with a side height of up to 60 cm (and a water depth of about 50 cm, respectively)
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