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Shower Systems Armatura 

Shower Systems: specifications, types


Shower set. Kits including a mandatory shower set of accessories: hand shower (watering can, hose and, most often, fastening system in the form of hydromassage panels.

Top shower. Kit consisting exclusively of the upper shower - a large watering can mounted over the head of the bather. Bathing under such a shower is not only more pleasant for many, but also allows you to free your hands, while flexible hose has to be held in hand. And although for manual hoists are also available fasteners that allow you to install them on the wall above the head, but a specialized upper shower is better for this - a large watering can be more effective.

Shower system. Somewhat expanded version of shower set: the equipment of shower system includes not only a hand-held watering box with a hose, but also an upper shower or a bar-pipe for the installation of a separately purchased watering can of the upper shower. There are also , shower systems with vent, the design o...f which includes an appropriate drain.

— Hydromassage panel. The device is in the form of a wall panel with hydromassage nozzles. The mixer is integrated into the same panel, another practically mandatory element of the equipment is the upper shower (cf. «Complete»). Hydromassage is not only pleasant in itself - it contributes to the normalization of metabolism and can have a soothing or tonic effect, depending on the settings. However, it should be borne in mind that for the normal operation of hydromassage panels usually require a fairly high pressure in the water supply - at least 4-5 atm.

— Hand shower. Separately sold nozzle for flexible shower hose. This item can be useful in the case that the existing watering can be broken, or its characteristics do not suit you (recall, shower watering can differ in the features of the jet, have different settings, and so on. N.).

Hygienic shower head. Separately sold nozzle for hygienic shower. The shower itself is used to wash parts of the body - for example, the groin area after a visit to the toilet. This type of watering can be distinguished from conventional manual (see above) by two features: a small diameter and a shut-off valve, thanks to which water comes from the watering can only by pressing a special button or lever. This allows you to carefully process the desired areas of the body and accurately dose water.

Hygienic set. Kits, including both a hygienic watering can (see above) and a hose, as well as a fixing for a watering can be provided for, but these are mandatory). Hygienic kits, in fact, is analogous to the showers described above and fundamentally differ only in the type of watering.


— Built-in. The concealed installation involves the installation of the mixer and pipe lines behind the false wall or in the process connector of the main wall. When the shower system is hidden, the user only has access to the mixer regulator, the switch between the wall and hand watering pads, and the waterholes themselves. Built-in shower systems are poorly designed to replace an already out-of-service shower or system. This type is relevant for the assembly of the head head in the pre-repair state, when there is a laying of pipes and under each element of the structure it is possible to separately withdraw pipes in the right place. In addition, this solution looks aesthetically when the bathroom is not protruding extra pipes and other details.

— Floor. Floor Standing Floor Mounted Shower Systems. As a rule, such models are represented by a high rack, to which the top shower, hand watering can be connected, etc. This type of solution provides more possibilities for bathroom planning. The outdoor installation allows you to place the shower against the wall or even in the center of the room, only there would be a drain (drain). But at the same time requires a water supply from the bottom, from the floor. These models stand out designer and are not applicable to every repair. Because of this, the variety of such models is limited to 1-2 models in the brand.


Models designed «semi-antique» and designed first of all to fit into the room with the appropriate design. Most often retro shower systems have copper and gold elements that emphasize the luxury of «antiques», as well as the corresponding bends inherent in sanitary engineering of previous years.

Shower type

In addition to the classical top shower (by type of rain) there is still cascade shower, which is very similar to a waterfall. These modes can be either individually or together.


The size of the overhead shower head supplied in the set (see "Complete set"). For round watering cans, this paragraph indicates the size, for other shapes - the length (the largest of the two main sizes).

The larger the overhead shower - the more space it covers, the easier it is to "fit entirely" under the jets and the higher the throughput can be (see "Water consumption overhead shower"). On the other hand, the cost of a watering can directly depends on the dimensions. As for specific figures, the size up to 20 cm is relatively small, although such watering cans are very popular due to their availability and low consumption. Models 21 - 25 cm can be classified as medium, 26 - 30 cm - relatively large, and the largest watering cans for the overhead shower have dimensions of more than 30 cm.

Jet settings

The number of settings provided in the hand shower for top shower (see "Complete set").

If you have several settings, change the jet features and, accordingly, adjust the shower to the user’s wishes. For example, one watering can provide «rain» (ordinary drops of medium size), «waterfall» (stream in the form of water wall) and «stream» (continuous jet under high pressure); there are other modes, their specific set for each model is worth specifying separately. In any case, the more settings - the wider the choice of the user, but the more expensive and more difficult the watering can be on the background of models with one mode upper shower.

Switching settings with button

The feature of top shower structure allows you to change the modes not in the traditional way - rotating the switch, but by pressing a button. Switching the upper shower settings by button is much more comfortable, given that the shower hands are wet and turn the control is not always convenient, much less soapy.


The shape of a complete watering can of the top shower (see «Type»). From a technical point of view, shape has some influence on shower performance: for example, at the same size (width or diameter) square upper shower will allow more water than round shower. However, in practice, the effectiveness of the shower and the sensation of its use are determined by so many different factors that the effect of the shape of the watering on their background is simply lost. Therefore, usually the choice of this parameter is solely due to the aesthetic tastes of the user or the requirements for the design of the bathroom. Therefore, in addition to the round and square form, there are oval, rectangular and non-standard.

Water flow

Water consumption during operation of the upper shower (cf. «Equipment»). Indicates the amount of water passing through the watering can with the tap fully open and the water pressure 3 bar (standard household water pressure).

The higher the bandwidth of the watering can be - the more powerful and intense the shower becomes. On the other hand, high water consumption is undesirable if you want to save water - for example, if you have meters installed or if water is supplied from a boiler with a small volume. In addition, it is worth remembering that the watering can have different settings and features of water supply. So, by selecting the lake with the right parameters, you can get a nice and effective top shower even when low water flow. Actually, a low value in this case is considered to be up to 10 l /min; the average is 10 - 20 l/min, and in the most productive watering can be up to 30 l/min and even more.

Tilt angle

The top shower angle is tilted in both directions. Not all models have adjustment, and even those in which it is constructively laid have different angles. By itself the ability to adjust the inclination angle of the upper shower allows you to adjust the flow of water to the desired side for the needs of a particular user.


The size of the manual or hygienic shower head can be found (cf. «Complete»), which is equipped with a shower system. In fact, it implies the size of the working area - the area on which the nozzles for water supply are located. If this area is round or square, its size is indicated by diameter or width, for other shapes - by length.

Big size allows to cover more space at once; on the other hand, more compact models are more efficient, and cheaper, all other things being equal. And hygienic watering cans, taking into account the specifics of their use, by definition are made small.

Jet settings

The number of jet settings provided in the complete manual or hygienic watering can (see "Complete set"). However, hygienic leukemias are usually made single-mode - this is quite enough considering the application. But in conventional manual waterjets can be several, which allows you to change the characteristics of the jet at the request of the user - for example, instead of the usual thin jets, turn on a hard jet from a single large nozzle or a solid «soft» Flow from water filled with air bubbles. The specific set of settings can be different, it is worth to refine separately. However, in any case, the more options - the wider the choice of the user and the more complicated and more expensive the watering box itself.

Switching settings with button

The feature of the manual shower structure allows you to change the modes not in the traditional way - rotating the switch or switching the lever, but by pressing a button. Switching the settings of the manual shower with button is much more comfortable, given that in the shower hands are wet and turn the control or switch lever is not always convenient, let alone soapy.

Water consumption

The throughput capacity of a manual shower watering agent, in other words, the amount of water it gives out per minute when the faucets are fully open. Since the capacity is not only related to the design of the watering box, but also to the pressure in the water supply, it is customary to specify an average value - at a standard pressure of 3 bar.

The higher this parameter - the more intense the impact on the body can have a shower. At the same time, high water consumption can become a problem when there are water meters or when there are limited supplies - for example, if hot water is supplied by a boiler. Also note that , low throughput can be compensated by certain jet settings.

Hose length

The length of hose for the shower head be supplied with a shower system of one type or another (see above). In most modern models, this parameter is about 140 - 160 cm - it is enough that even a tall man could easily rinse completely, from the top. In addition, some hoses can stretch 20-30% of their original length. So in practice, it is worth paying attention to the length of the hose except in special cases - for example, if the system is bought for a very spacious bathroom and you need a shower with an increased «radius of action».

Tap type

Double lever. Classic version with two separate swivel taps, one of which is responsible for hot water, the second - for cold. The advantages of twin-valve mixers are simplicity, reliability and accuracy of temperature setting. On the other hand, they are less easy to adjust than single-piece.

Single lever (joystick). One lever capable of moving in two planes is responsible for all adjustments in such mixers. When moving in one plane (usually right-left) the temperature is adjusted in the other (up-down or from itself - on itself) - pressure. In addition, such a mixer allows you to «remember» a certain variant of temperature - it is enough to close the water without moving the lever in another plane. But tuning accuracy in such models may be lower than in two-valve.

Thermostatic. Mixers equipped with a thermostat - a mechanism for maintaining a constant temperature of water at the outlet. This is the most advanced and convenient option, but expensive. It is enough for the user to choose the desired temperature (in degrees) and pressure, and the thermostat will automatically adjust the proportion of hot and cold water. There are models both classic with swivel regulators and thermostatic with button (read more about the button below).

Buttoning on. Type of mixers con...trolled by pressing a button. This way a certain amount of water is supplied, which helps to save money.

— Single-valve. A variety found in hygiene kits (cf. «Type»). In fact, such a device is not a mixer, but simply a tap designed only to open and close the water. The idea behind this design is that only cold water is often used for hygienic showers, for which one valve is sufficient.


— Cascade. In such vents, water is fed through an outlet in the form of a thin horizontal slit, or a wide trench (depending on the model). Due to this, the output achieves a large width of the jet at a low thickness, which provides a good throughput, as well as the original look, imitating the waterfall (hence the name). On the other hand, this form is less universal than the classical one, and it is much more expensive, and therefore is used quite rarely.

— Classic. Models in which the spout is made in the form of a tube. Such flows may have different shapes in length (straight, curved, with an angle) and cross-section (round, triangular, square, etc.), but they are all tubes.

In most cases, there is simply no drain for shower systems.

Swivel spout

Ability to turn the spout from side to side. In this way, you can change the location of the water jet, which can be useful in many different cases.

Spout length

The length of the spout characterizes the distance from the rod (in built-in ones from the wall) to the place where the water is poured out, i.e. the actual length of the conventional “spout” of the mixer.

Jet depth

Distance from the wall attachment point to the aerator. It is a characteristic that determines the “reach zone” of the faucet spout.


The diverter is a device by which the flow of water can be switched between individual components of the system - for example, the spill (if it is present) and the shower box, or between the watering can and the upper shower. The design of such a device and the way it is controlled can be different; in modern shower systems, you can find, inter alia, such options:

— Levery. Diverters are in the form of a swivel lever; most often this lever is driven directly by a valve that switches the water flow, but in advanced models there is also an electronic working principle. In any case, lever switches are most popular in modern shower systems: they are very convenient and intuitive to operate, and mechanical diverters of this type are also very simple and inexpensive.

— Push-button. Diverters of this type have the form of a button; but its specific design depends on the features of a particular system. In relatively simple mechanical models (such a majority) the button is also made mechanical, and to switch to the shower watering can be pulled up. And switching to the other side - from the watering box to the drain or the top shower - can often be carried out not only manually, but also automatically, when the water is turned off. Due to this function, the next time the tap opens, the water begins to flow not through the shower hose, which may be in the wrong place, but through the spout or the upper shower, which usually does not cause problems. In some models..., the autoswitch can also be locked at the user’s request (usually by turning the button at the top).
In turn, in advanced electronic devices, such a diverter is made in the form of an electric button, which closes the contacts that control the valve.

— Bend. Rather rare and specific variant: the role of a lever controlling the flow of water, performed directly draining, to the base of which a shower hose is connected. This control usually works as follows: as long as the spout is perpendicular to the mixer housing (that is, directed towards the bath or pan) the water flows through it; and to switch to the shower, the pour is rotated under the mixer. Such devices look interesting, and in use convenient. On the other hand, they are quite complex and expensive, and the flow itself, for a number of reasons, is usually made quite short. Therefore, this option is not available.

— Rotate the drain + push button. The combination in one system of two divers described above. As a rule, the flush turns are responsible for switching the water between the flush and the «shower part», and the button switches between the shower hose and the upper shower. Due to its complexity and cost, this combination is extremely rare.

Check valve

Check valve prevents the water from moving through the mixer to the opposite direction - for example, when there is a large pressure difference between hot and cold water. This feature will be relevant for those who are going to install water meters: the presence of non-return valves on mixers is often a prerequisite for fulfilling the installation request.

Number of jets

The number of individual jets provided in the design of the hydromassage panel (cf. «Type»). Note that one nozzle can emit several jets - but all of them come from almost one point and are located close to each other; and to count individual elements is more convenient than the total number of jets.

In general, the more nozzles - the more advanced the system is considered, the more intense it provides hydromassage and the more effective its effect on the body. On the other hand, the abundance of nozzles significantly affects the cost.

Hydromassage management

Type of hydromassage control system installed in the hydromassage panel (cf. «Type»).

— Mechanical. Control based on mechanical controls - rotary valves, levers, etc. The operating principle of such systems is very similar to conventional mixers: the regulator is directly connected to a valve, flap or other device that changes the amount of water entering the nozzles. Advantages of mechanics are low cost, simplicity and reliability, disadvantages - relatively low accuracy of adjustment and impossibility of application of some additional functions.

— Electronic. Management through electronic schemes. The key difference from mechanical is that the user does not affect the valves and flaps directly - he gives commands to electronics, which also changes the amount of incoming water, the mode of operation of the nozzles and other direct parameters. This control format allows the use of various additional functions such as timers, special programs, etc.; but even without them, electronic control is usually more accurate and convenient mechanical. On the other hand, these hydromassage systems are expensive and quite difficult to install - because the control circuits require their own power, and the high humidity in the bathroom puts high demands on the safety of the connection.

Hydromassage settings

The number of modes of operation of the hydromassage provided in the design of the hydromassage panel (cf. «Type»). The more these modes - the more advanced the system is considered, the wider the choice given to the user, and the more tasks can perform hydromassage (relaxation, toning, prevention and additional treatment of various diseases, etc.). At the same time, an abundance of settings usually has an appropriate impact on cost.

In box

Hand shower. In this case, both manual and hygienic watering can be assumed (cf. «Type»), and in some sets - both at once. However, regardless of the type, the watering can be a key element for most shower systems: it is not only used to supply water, but also plays the role of a handle and provides ease of handling.

Top shower (tropical). The top shower has the appearance of a fixed or inactive watering can of a large diameter, so that the water flows on the bathing above (hence the name). The classic installation option is a rigid pipe-bracket (it can be either ceiling bracket, or wall bracket), but there are other options such as embedding directly into the ceiling; The attachments may or may not be included in the package. Note that this device can be completed not only sets such as «upper shower», but also shower systems and hydromassage panels (see more. «Type»).

Tap. The device to regulate the pressure and temperature of the water (in common parlance often called a «tap» or «taps», although taps are only one of the elements of the mixer). Shower system with such a device can be useful if there is no mixer in the bathroom or it requires replacement. It should be borne in mind that the complete faucets are most often designed only for the supply of water to the watering pads...and do not have a spill (although there are exceptions).

— Stand/rod. Construction in the form of a vertical pipe attached to the wall of the bathroom or shower/box. Such a pipe can be installed as a watering box for the upper shower, as well as a fixing for a hand-held watering can be provided in some sets both options. Also, the rack can be useful for placing additional accessories - for example, shelves or mirrors.

— Shower hose. Classic flexible shower hose that is attached to a hand or hygiene watering can. The hoses may be of different lengths, but most often this difference is not critical. See details above.

Shower head mount. Attachment for manual or hygienic watering. Such a device significantly simplifies storage during non-working hours. It should be noted that the attachments for manual covers can be installed at high altitude, which allows the attachment placed in such a device to be used as an improvised upper shower. The installation method can also vary: some fastenings are fixed to the wall, others are mounted on the post/bar (see above) and can move up and down. But fastenings for hygienic hoists are quite standard, they only assume a fixed installation on the wall.

Shelf. Its own shelf for the accommodation of sauna accessories: shower gels, shampoos, sponges, etc. Its size is usually quite small, but it allows you to keep everything you need for swimming, which is called, at hand. As a rule, the shelf is attached to the rack (see above). The exception are hydromassage panels (see «Type»), but only because the role of the rack is played directly by the panel.

Soap dish. Special place for storing hard soap. Usually has the form of a small concave shelf with holes or a lattice basket, so that the soap does not fall out and does not «stinger» in the accumulated water. Soap boxes are only found in shower systems with racks/bars (see above).

— Bracket. The bracket in this case is called the part for fixing an item to the wall or ceiling. In shower sets, brackets are mainly used to attach the upper shower or hydromassage panels (cf. «Type»). They can be installed on the wall or on the ceiling.

Hand shower mount

On body / on the rack. The enclosure for the shower box is located directly on the system body. The presence of the attachment allows you to store the watering can easily until you use it, and the fastening on the case contributes to a simpler installation of the entire system (no need to look for additional space in the wall for the installation of the holder).

Wall mounting. Availability of a separate accessory designed for the installation of a manual shower. This mounting option provides a separate installation that requires additional forces and care. But its location you dictate yourself.

Panel / stand size

Size of the hydromassage panel or shower set/system stand (cf. «Type») by maximum protruding parts in height, width and thickness. Note that in some models, not all dimensions can be defined uniquely - for example, if there is a wall mount (see above) for manual watering can be installed, the total width will depend on the location of the attachment. Therefore, only height and thickness, and in some cases only height, may be specified.

Telescopic stand

Telescopic stand of the shower set or shower system allows you to adjust the height of the system, thus adapting it to the room and under the growth of the user.


Shower systems that display temperature and/or current water flow. The display is installed on different types of mixers, it is also often found in hydromassage panels. This technical solution provides a clear visualization of the settings and allows you to see what kind of water and in what volume flows from the tap. However, the presence of the screen significantly affects the cost of the shower system.


Presence of backlight in the structure of the shower system.

The illumination usually has the form of a set of LEDs, built into the lake of the upper shower (see «Complete»). Depending on the quantity, color and brightness, such LEDs can perform both decorative and quite practical function - play the role of the main lighting for the shower cabin or box. Note that this feature is expensive, and therefore occurs mainly in premium models; in addition, the presence of backlight complicates the installation.


The main material used in the design of the shower system.

Brass. Copper based alloy with zinc additive. Due to a number of features is quite common in shower systems, used in models of almost all price categories. Not all brass varieties are resistant to corrosion, but the situation is easily remedied by the use of appropriate coatings (see below). The Russian Federation has made a significant contribution to this process.

Aluminium. Aluminium-based alloys are lightweight, and they are durable, durable and corrosion resistant. On the other hand, the cost of this material is quite high, so it is used mainly in premium models.

Stainless steel. Very strong, reliable and resistant material, not susceptible to corrosion even when the protective coating is damaged (up to the fact that some products of «stainless steel» have no special coating). On the other hand, steel costs significantly more than coated brass, and the described resistance is not a decisive advantage. Therefore, this material is typical mainly for premium products (and even in them it is often combined with ABS plastic parts).

ABS plastic. A kind of plastic with good strength and impact properties. In addition, this material is absolutely insensitive to moisture and quite durable (though, in the absence of ultraviolet - but i...t is not uncommon in modern bathrooms, where windows are either absent or have small sizes). True plastic, although it weighs less, and costs less than most alloys - still loses them in reliability. Therefore, as the main material for shower systems it is almost not used.

— Acrylic. Polymer material, in fact - a high-quality variety of plastic, familiar to many by modern baths. In many features similar to the ABS plastic described above - in particular, absolutely not afraid of water and weighs relatively little. At the same time, acrylic is much stronger, which allows you to use it even as the main material of hydromassage panels (see. «Type»). On the other hand, this material is significantly more expensive than plastic, weighs more, and still inferior in strength to most metals. Therefore, it was not particularly common in the shower systems.

— Glass. Quite unusual for shower systems material used in some hydromassage panels. Made of glass is usually the case of such a panel, other accessories (upper shower, watering can, etc. made of metal.). Such enclosures have an unusual and stylish appearance, they fit well into bathrooms with advanced modern design. This glass is completely insensitive to moisture. The main drawback of this material is considered fragility, but such a view is not entirely justified: glass in shower systems has a large thickness, and it may refer to a high-strength hardened grade. As a result, you can only crack such a product with a very strong blow; it is difficult, even if you initially set such a goal. At the same time, glass cases have no noticeable practical advantages over metal, and are much more expensive. Therefore, this variant is very rare, mainly in design models created in anticipation of unusual design.

— Silumin. A variety of aluminium alloys with a high silicon content. Silumin is characterized by high corrosion resistance, good durability, but is quite fragile and does not tolerate strong impacts, which is why it is used very rarely, mainly in low-cost models.

Note that in addition to the main material, there are usually other - for example, a brass watering can have an insert of ABS plastic. In addition, the properties of the shell are determined not only by the material itself, but also by the type of its coating (see below). In addition, the design of the casing is determined by the material.

Body coating

Type of coating used in the shower system. Note that quite a lot of models are available in several coating options - mainly to allow the user to choose the most attractive in appearance option.

Chrome. Typical mirror coating applied to various metal surfaces for corrosion protection. At low cost, chromium is resistant not only to moisture and other similar effects, but also to mechanical damage - scratches, cracks, etc. From its disadvantages it is worth noting some obscuring with time (in particular, due to the appearance of prints)However, this is a purely aesthetic, not a functional moment, and it is quite correctable (although it requires some effort).

Chrome with gold. Chrome coating, usually classic shiny (see above), supplemented with separate gilded elements. This design gives the headset a rich and attractive appearance. On the other hand, the use of gold is expensive, so this option is found mainly among premium models.

Matt chrome. The type of chrome coating described above has a matte (not ceramic) surface. With the same basic properties as classical chrome, the matte coating is much less prone to the appearance of prints and loss of «presentation»; in addition, it can be useful for rooms with original interior design. On the other hand, matte chrome is more difficult to produce, and therefore costs more and is less common....

— Gold. Coating of alloy imitating the appearance of gold. As a rule, it is not a 100% match in appearance, but the golden surface looks quite attractive and can be useful for bathrooms with an original design. In this case, the used alloys are generally quite resistant to corrosion and are quite durable, and are much cheaper than gold.

— Brass. The brass coating gives the product a characteristic golden shade, which looks original and fits well into the interior of the «retro» style, and the varieties of brass used in such cases have all the properties necessary for shower systems - in particular, strength and resistance to moisture. The drawbacks of this option include high prices and the appearance of prints over time that are difficult to remove.

— Nickel. The main properties of the nickel coating are similar to classical mirror chromium, but for a number of technical reasons are relatively rare.

— Bronze. Bronze gives the product a characteristic appearance «under the old». At the same time, it does not have other notable advantages over more traditional chrome coatings, and it is much more expensive, because of which it is used exclusively in «designer» models of shower systems (and even in them it is extremely rare).

— Stainless steel. Stainless steel has excellent anti-corrosion properties, but is not suitable for use as a coating material. Therefore, in this case, as a rule, we mean products of «stainless steel» (cf. «Material»), without any coatings - that is, the surface consists of the same material as the rest of the body. For a number of reasons (notably because of the high cost of steel), this option was not very common.

Country of origin

There are many national stereotypes: many users find certain countries more attractive than others. However, nowadays these stereotypes are practically unfounded. Firstly, in the country of origin of the brand, often only the headquarters of the manufacturer is located, and the production may be located in another state. Secondly, the origin of a certain country is not yet a guarantee of quality: it all depends on how carefully a particular manufacturer controls its products. Therefore, to assess the quality, it is worth focusing not on “nationality”, but first of all on the reputation of a particular brand and the price category of the product. Among the countries represented are the following: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Denmark, India, Spain, Italy, China, Lithuania, Poland, USA, Turkey, Finland, France, Czech Republic, Sweden.

Manufacturer's warranty

The warranty period declared by the manufacturer for this model is the period during which the manufacturer guarantees the normal operation of the device. The specific terms of the warranty may vary, however, as a rule, it covers factory defects and malfunctions caused by the fault of the manufacturer/seller and discovered during normal use, without violating the rules; If such defects or malfunctions appear during the warranty period, the manufacturer undertakes to correct the situation at its own expense - up to replacing the model with a working copy. It is worth noting that the standard warranty period ranges from 1 to 3 years, more self-confident manufacturers give 5 years, or even 10 years of warranty.
from£ up to£ 
Top shower (tropical)
Hand shower (shower head)
In box
Spout depth
Hand shower mount
More features
Body coating
Top shower shape
Top shower dimensions
Hand shower size
Min. rack/panel height
Max. rack/panel height
Country of origin
Manufacturer's warranty
Clear parameters