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Battery Chargers: specifications, types

Charging slots

The number of separate slots for batteries provided in the design of the charger.

The more such slots, the more batteries can be charged in the device at a time; "Multi-charge" models ( charges for 4 batteries or more) will be especially useful in cases where you have to intensively use a large number of batteries. On the other hand, this feature significantly affects the dimensions, weight and cost of the "charger". However, it is not so significant, so there are less models for 1 battery or 2 batteries and they can be rather characterized as a tourist option.

Supported types

The battery technology that the charger is compatible with. Modern batteries can be manufactured using different technologies (Ni-Cd, Ni-Mh, Li-Ion, LiFePO4, IMR), each has its own characteristics and requirements for the charging procedure; therefore, for a specific battery, it is worth choosing a charger for which compatibility with the corresponding technology is directly stated.

— Ni-Cd. Nickel-cadmium batteries are one of the oldest types of rechargeable cells. Nevertheless, they are still used quite widely today — in particular, Ni-Cd batteries are considered optimal for devices with relatively high current consumption and increased reliability requirements. Such batteries are resistant to low temperatures, easy to store, reliable and safe. One of the main disadvantages of this technology is the “memory effect”: the battery capacity decreases after it is put on charge without being completely discharged. However, this point is more related to the features of charge controllers, and not to the technology itself, and the use of advanced controllers can be reduced to almost zero. But from the unambiguous shortcomings, one can mention the “non-environmental friendliness” of both the batteries themselves and their production.

— Ni-Mh. Nickel metal hydride cells were created in an...attempt to improve on the nickel cadmium cells described above. The creators managed to achieve a higher capacity (with the same battery size), in addition, Ni-Mh cells are environmentally friendly and completely devoid of the memory effect even when using the simplest charge controllers. The disadvantages of this option, compared with Ni-Cd, are relatively low resistance to frost, shorter service life and more difficult storage conditions, especially for long periods.

— Ni-Zn. A technology that is the same age as Ni-Cd and also survived to this day. Nickel-zinc cells are notable for their higher capacity than other "nickel" batteries, as well as higher voltage, which, moreover, remains at the operating level almost until the charge is exhausted. The latter is especially convenient for digital cameras — this technique is quite demanding on voltage. However, for a number of reasons, Ni-Zn technology has not gained much popularity. The main of these reasons is the short service life (about 300 – 400 charge-discharge cycles).

— Li-Ion. A type of battery, widely known primarily for portable electronics like smartphones or players, but has recently been successfully used in other types of equipment. Lithium-ion batteries combine good capacity with compactness, charge fairly quickly and are devoid of the "memory effect". Their main disadvantages are high cost, poor suitability for work at low temperatures and some probability of fire during overloads and failures.

— LiFePO4. A variety of the Li-Ion batteries described above, the so-called "lithium iron phosphate". The advantages of such cells over classical lithium-ion ones are, first of all, a stable discharge voltage (until the energy is exhausted), high peak power, long service life, resistance to low temperatures, stability and safety. In addition, due to the use of iron instead of cobalt, such batteries are also safer to manufacture and easier to dispose of. At the same time, they are noticeably inferior to lithium-ion in terms of capacity.

— IMR. This abbreviation is used for lithium-ion-manganese-oxide batteries, another variation on lithium-ion technology; the designation LiMn also occurs. Improvements introduced in this version include thermal stability (reduced risk of ignition in case of failure), durability and low self-discharge rates (the latter simplifies long-term storage). At the same time, many IMR batteries are claimed to be compatible with standard "chargers" for lithium-ion cells, but it is best to use specialized devices (in particular, due to low internal resistance and increased risk of overdischarging).


The battery sizes that the charger is compatible with. In this case, the adapters supplied in the kit (see below) are not taken into account in this paragraph, we are talking only about the memory as such.

The standard dimensions describes the shape, dimensions, connector design and operating voltage of the battery; thus, it is one of the most important parameters for determining compatibility with a particular charger.

The most popular sizes for which modern “chargers” are made can be divided into 1.5-volt (marked in Latin letters AA, AAA, C, D) and 3.7-volt (have digital markings 14500, 17500, 18650, 22650, 26650, etc. .P.). More about them:

— AAAA. The smallest version of the "finger" dimensions: batteries of the same cylindrical shape as the well-known AA and AAA, but with a size of only about 8 mm and a length of about 43 mm. Similar in application to AAA, but very poorly distributed.

— AAA. Size, colloquially known as "mini finger" or "little finger batteries": cylindrical batteries with a size of 10.5 mm and a length of 44.5 mm. They are mainly used in miniature devices for which there are not enough “tablet” bat...teries, and larger elements are too bulky.

— AA. Classic "finger" batteries with a size of 14 mm and a length of 50 mm, one of the most popular modern standard sizes (if not the most popular). They are used in a wide variety of types and price categories of devices, including even external battery packs for SLR cameras.

- C. Batteries in the form of a characteristic "barrel". They are similar in height to finger-type AAs, but almost twice as thick - 50 mm and 26 mm, respectively - due to which they have a higher capacity.

- D. The largest dimensions of consumer grade 1.5V batteries, 34mm in size and 61mm in length. It is mainly used in high-power flashlights and devices with high energy consumption.

3.7-V batteries are indicated by a five-digit number. In it, the first two digits indicate the size (in millimeters), the remaining three indicate the length (in tenths of a millimeter). For example, the popular dimensions 18650 corresponds to a battery with a size of 18 mm and a length of 65.0 mm. It is worth noting here that there are 3.7-volt cells that are the same dimensions as the 1.5-volt ones described above (for example, the 14500 dimensions is similar to AA finger-type), but both types are not interchangeable due to the difference in voltage.

A separate category is 9-volt R22 batteries, also known as PP3: these are rectangular elements in which a pair of contacts is located on one of the ends.

Operation indicator

The method of indicating work, in other words, the type of notifications provided for in the design of the charger.

— LED. LED indicators can give messages by turning on and off, blinking at a certain frequency, and changing colours. They are cheaper than displays (see below) and are more visible from a distance, but less informative and more limited in their capabilities.

Display. Chargers tend to use simple LCD displays. However, even such screens are much more informative and visual than LED indicators. A wide variety of information can be displayed on the display, and in a form that is convenient for perception: the user does not need to remember what this or that light means, he immediately sees a specific message, for example, “Charging is over”. However and this convenience is much more expensive.

Independent charge channels

The number of independent charging channels provided in the design of the charger.

If the voltage, charging current and other parameters in this model are regulated on all battery slots at the same time, this means that the device has only one channel. The presence of several charging channels allows you to set your own operating parameters on separate slots and, accordingly, simultaneously charge different types of batteries in one device. In this case, the channel can cover both one slot and several: for example, many models for 4 batteries have only 2 channels (one for every 2 slots).

The abundance of channels expands the capabilities of the "charger" and will be especially useful in cases where you often have to charge different types of batteries; on the other hand, it significantly affects the cost of the device.

Min. charge current

The smallest current that the device can provide in charge mode. If this parameter is specified in the specifications, this means that this model has the ability to adjust the charge current (otherwise, only the maximum current is indicated).

Charging current is one of the most important parameters for any charger: see “Maximum charge current. And the general range of current adjustment depends on this indicator: the lower the minimum value (with the same maximum) — the more extensive the possibilities for setting up the "charger" for the specific specifics of work.

Max. charge current

The highest current that the device can provide when charging the battery (or the nominal value of the charging current, if it is not adjustable).

Charging current is one of the most important parameters for any charger: it determines the speed of the process and compatibility with certain batteries. In general, the higher the current, the faster the process, the less time it takes to charge. At the same time, some batteries may have recommendations for the optimal current strength and restrictions on its maximum values. Therefore, mindlessly chasing a powerful charger is not worth it: at first it's ok to clarify how justified such power will be.

Note that in multi-channel devices (see "Independent channels"), the maximum current strength can be achieved when only part of the channels are operating. The indicators provided when all channels are operating simultaneously are indicated separately for such models (see "Charge current (all channels)").

Charge current (all channels)

The highest current provided by a multi-channel charger (see "Independent channels") at full load, with all slots (and, accordingly, channels) operating. In fact, a guaranteed maximum current provided by a multi-channel charger, regardless of the number of channels involved.

For the total charge current, see “Maximum charge current. Here we note that the full load is a rather complex mode in which the current strength can decrease. Therefore, this parameter is specified separately.

Number of settings

The number of separate charge current settings (see above) provided in the design of the charger. For example, a device with 4 settings may provide options for 200, 400, 800 and 1000 mAh. In general, the larger this number, the more accurately you can choose the charging current for a particular situation.

Drip charge

Ability to operate the device in drip charge mode.

Drip charging is called charging a battery at low currents — on the order of several tens of milliamps — used to compensate for self-discharge ("volatilization" of accumulated energy over time). This function is relevant mainly for Ni-Cd and Ni-Mh batteries, which have quite significant self-discharge rates: it allows you to constantly keep them fully charged. This is especially useful in cases where the battery may be needed at any time (but it is not known exactly when).

Min. discharge current

The smallest current that the device is capable of providing in battery discharge mode.

Some specific functions are based on the discharge of the battery installed in the charger (see below for more details); in this case, it often becomes necessary to set a certain value of current strength, which is optimal for a given battery. The lower the minimum discharge current (with the same maximum) — the wider the adjustment range and the higher the probability that the device will be able to provide the optimal discharge mode.

Max. discharge current

The highest current that the device can provide in battery discharge mode.

Some specific functions are based on the discharge of the battery installed in the charger (see below for more details). The higher the maximum value of the discharge current, the less time it takes to “drain” energy from the battery. On the other hand, for some types of batteries and discharge modes, specific current recommendations may be provided, and exceeding them can be fraught with overload, overheating, and even fire. Therefore, it is necessary to specifically pursue high values of the discharge current only if it is justified from a technical point of view.

Capacity measurement

A procedure that allows you to quickly determine the capacity of the installed battery. Actually, the main advantage of capacitance measurement is speed. On the other hand, the results are not particularly accurate, and usually they only show the nominal, not the actual capacity - to determine the latter, it is better to use the function of checking the remaining capacity.

Overcharge protection

A function that prevents overcharging is the accumulation of an excess amount of energy by the battery installed in the charger. Overcharging is highly undesirable for any type of battery, and can lead to a variety of unpleasant consequences, from degraded performance to overheating and fire. To avoid this, chargers may be provided with automatic devices ( overcharge protection), which monitor the level of charge and automatically turn off the battery upon completion of the process.

Preliminary discharge

Pre-discharge is useful for batteries that are prone to memory effect - they need to be charged only after the charge is completely depleted. In accordance with the name, a charger with this function is capable, if necessary, of discharging the installed battery “to zero” before starting charging. At the same time, some models are able to automatically detect the presence of residual energy and turn on a preliminary discharge, in others it must be turned on manually.

Capacity recovery

The capacity recovery function will be useful for batteries with memory effect - this time tech whose capacity has already declined. In this mode, the charger discharges and charges the battery several times in a special way, which eliminates the memory effect and restores the battery, if not to the original, then at least to a capacity close to this value.

Residual capacity check

A procedure to determine the actual capacity of the installed battery. When measuring capacity, the charger charges and discharges the battery (in some models - several times, for greater accuracy), measuring the actual amount of stored and released energy. Checking the remaining capacity takes much longer than the “capacity measurement” item described above, but it is much more accurate and can be used not only to determine the characteristics of the battery, but also to diagnose its condition and degree of wear.

Polarity test

A system that determines the location of the "plus" and "minus" of the connected battery and determines whether these contacts correspond to the contacts of the charger itself. The capabilities of such systems may be different: some, in the event of an error, issue a warning signal and block the power supply, others are able to automatically switch the polarity on the contacts, depending on which side the battery is installed. In any case, checking the polarity minimizes the possibility of connection errors and the corresponding consequences.

Fault detection

A diagnostic system capable of detecting faulty batteries, disconnecting them from power and notifying the user. The fault detection function is useful not only for checking the performance as such: a battery malfunction that is not detected in time is fraught with equipment damage, and in some cases even fires.

USB output charging gadgets

The ability to use the charger to charge portable electronics - smartphones, tablets, players, etc. As a rule, for this, a USB port is provided in the design, for connection to which an appropriate cable is required; in fact, you can charge from such a device not only mobile gadgets, but also any equipment that can be powered from USB. True, it is worth noting that some manufacturers do not recommend using third-party devices for their equipment if they are not officially approved.

Overheat protection

A function that prevents critical heating of the batteries installed in the charger. Excessive heat on its own is usually a sign of a problem or abnormal operation, and an increase in temperature can cause a fire or even an explosion of the battery. Overheating protection systems usually use special sensors that monitor the state of the battery and turn off the heating if necessary.

Short circuit protection

Short circuit protection function . Such a short circuit can occur both during charging (for example, due to a malfunction of the connected battery or a foreign object getting between the contacts), and during discharging (due to a failure already in the memory itself). In any case, a short circuit leads to a sharp increase in current strength and abnormal loads on equipment, the consequences of which can be breakdowns and fires. To avoid this, short circuit protection is used - usually in the form of a fuse that turns off the power when the current increases sharply. Note that such a fuse can be both reusable and disposable, requiring replacement after operation.

In box

In addition to the main charger, the package may include batteries, cigarette lighter adapter, adapter to another type of battery and bag (case). More about them:

- Battery. Some modern chargers can be equipped with batteries - of course, the latter are best suited for this model. Buying such a kit is often more convenient than buying a "charger" and batteries separately (at least it's faster).

— Cigarette lighter adapter 12 V. Presence of a charger adapter for connection to a car cigarette lighter socket. For more information about this connection, see "Charging from the cigarette lighter"; here we note that not all models with the possibility of such charging are initially equipped with auto adapters. Therefore, if it is important for you to be able to connect the charger to the cigarette lighter out of the box, you should pay attention to the models in the appropriate configuration.

- Battery adapters. Such adapters allow you to use the charger with batteries of "non-native" sizes (see above), and, as a rule, larger than standard ones. For example, a model for AA and AAA batteries can be equipped with adapters for C or even D. This is more convenient than using a charger that was originally designed for large sizes: the device turns out to be more compact, and if necessary, a large battery is connected...without problems through an adapter.

- Storage bag. The bag plays the role of a protective cover and can be used not only for storage, but also for transporting the charger. At the same time, it often provides additional compartments for various items - both complete, such as an external power supply, and additional, such as batteries. Therefore, and also because it fits optimally in size, a complete storage bag is much more convenient than impromptu cases.

Movable negative contact

The presence of a movable negative contact in the design of the charger.

This feature makes the "charger" universal, allowing it to work with cylindrical batteries of different sizes (see above) — and, accordingly, of different lengths. To install the battery, the negative contact is simply moved to the desired distance, and the overall design and dimensions of the slot allow you to effectively install batteries of different diameters (although compatibility with specific sizes, especially large or miniature ones, still needs to be specified separately).

USB charging power

The ability for the charger to receive power from a standard USB port (and, accordingly, charge batteries from this port).

USB connectors are extremely widespread in modern electronics, both in stationary equipment like PCs and in portable ones like laptops or tablets. Due to this, such power can be useful both at home or in the office, and in the absence of outlets nearby. And in general, this function greatly expands the possibilities of connecting the memory. True, you need to take into account that USB ports differ in the power of the supplied power, and some models may be with weak USB charging. And also there are chargers with a round DC port, for which only the native cable is suitable.

Mains plug on body

The charger has a built-in plug for connecting to a power outlet.

In this case, we mean a plug protruding from the case — thus, when the charger is connected, it actually “hangs” directly on the outlet (or lies directly on it if the outlet is installed horizontally). Such devices do not have wires that can get confused and create other inconveniences. On the other hand, their connection requires quite a lot of free space around the outlet, which is not always available.

Mains plug on cable

Chargers with a plug for connecting to a socket on the tip of the mains cable. Models with a plug on the wire provide freedom of placement of the “charger” (especially in cramped free space near the outlet). So that the cable does not get tangled at hand, in many models it is made removable, which makes it easy to store the charger.
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Charging slots
Battery type
Battery size
Maximum charge current
Power connection
In box
Clear parameters