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RC Cars: specifications, types

In box

RTR (Ready to Run) — the box contains a fully configured and ready-to-run model. Such models are equipped with a battery, a remote control, and a charger.

ATR (almost-ready to run). The model is almost completely ready for use, but some of the elements are still missing. The list of missing components can include both a battery and a remote control or charger. All of the above components may be missing at once. Missing parts must be purchased separately. Models in the ATR package are designed for advanced users, this package allows you to choose batteries or controls based on your own needs and requirements.

— PNP. the receiver and transmitter are not included in the package, and often there is no battery. Additionally, the PNP set may not contain control equipment. Radio models in the PNP configuration are designed for professionals who often use individual electronics. Usually, the design of the model itself is collapsible, which significantly increases the maintainability of the product. Many models sold in the PNP configuration are allowed to participate in prestigious exhibitions and competitions.

— K.I.T. For the most part, only body parts are provided in the kit. The kit has a lot in common with the designer, because from such a kit it is possible to assemble various options for the body of the radio model. The KIT package includes neither radio communication mod...ules, nor control equipment, nor electric motors. That is, the user will have to buy / manufacture all the hardware of the radio-controlled model on their own. Radio models in the KIT package are designed for advanced users. KIT kits are suitable for assembling advanced models, which are often used in prestigious exhibitions and sports competitions.

Model scale

The scale allows you to estimate the overall dimensions of the model — it describes the ratio of its dimensions to the dimensions of a full-size machine of a similar type (see below). For example, the length and width of a full-sized buggy average about 4 m and 2 m, respectively; this means that for a radio-controlled model on a scale of 1:10, these parameters will be 10 times smaller — about 40 cm and 20 cm (plus or minus).

Miniature scales are considered to be 1:24 or less ( 1:28 and 1:32), while in the largest scales it reaches 1:6( 1:5) — such models are not much smaller than children's cars (however, they are not intended to replace them). A small size is considered optimal for use in residential areas, a large one — in open areas. Most road models (see 'Type') are available in 1:10 scale, SUVs in 1:8, and larger scales are found in advanced internal combustion engine models (see 'Engine'). The most common scale options are 1:14, 1:16 and 1:18, which are found in both the low-cost and high-end segments.

Purpose (class)

- Stunts. Cars of this class are designed for driving and performing various tricks, mainly related to acrobatic performances, jumping and overcoming obstacles. They are characterized by being an off-road type (usually a “monster” or truggy, see below), a powerful engine, high ground clearance, large wheels and reinforced suspension.

Short course. Short-course models are off-road vehicles (buggies, truggies, “monsters”, see below), specialized for cross-country speed racing. They offer good crash and jump protection, a rugged design, a rigid body that covers most of the sensitive parts, and shock absorbers designed to withstand heavy loads.

Drift. Drifting competitions on radio-controlled models involve passing an asphalt track at maximum speed with the constant use of a controlled drift. Based on this, drift cars must have rear-wheel drive, a locking rear differential, and tires with a shallow pattern that are stiffer than most other models. It is worth noting that their appearance can much more accurately replicate real cars than in the case of ring models.

- Ring. A variety of road-type models (see below), designed for passing on flat roads with a hard surface (like asphalt) for a while. A distinctive feature of most of these cars is the smooth, “sleek” shape of the body to ensure aerodynamics (or to...simulate it if the maximum speed is low).

Let us note that professional models intended for competitions and serious car racing usually have one of the specializations listed above. If the class is not specified, the machine most likely belongs to the entry-level and has a purely entertainment purpose (although such models can also have quite advanced characteristics).


Highway. Also known as "touring". These are cars that outwardly copy passenger cars — both ordinary production cars and tuned ones, and even special cars like NASCAR cars. They can have a ring or drift purpose (see above), in general, they have high speed and good handling.

Buggy. Full-size buggy-type vehicles are light all-wheel drive vehicles for off-road driving, primarily sand, with a characteristic body structure (angular panels, open frame elements, safety arcs) and suspension (wheels are most often noticeably moved to the side on the suspension arms). Radio-controlled buggies have a similar design. The body, however, is often stylized as racing cars, but this type of specialization is primarily off-road — for example, many short-course models (see "Destination") are specifically buggies.

Truggy. This class is in many ways similar to the buggies described above, but differs from them in larger wheel diameters, longer suspension arms and increased ground clearance (see below). This may slightly reduce the speed, but increases the throughput; truggies are used for both short-course and trick riding (see Purpose/Class).

SUV (monster). As the name implies, such models copy monster trucks — cars stylized as pickup trucks, the most striking feature of which are huge wheels, powerful engines and corr...esponding chassis features (large suspension travel, high ground clearance). Like the full-size originals, radio-controlled monster trucks are in many ways similar to buggies (see above), and differ from them only in the described features. "Monsters" are relatively poorly suited for high-speed driving, but they have high cross-country ability, due to which models for tricks and short courses are found in this type (see "Destination (class)").

Rally. Such cars are a cross between "touring" and full-fledged SUVs. Outwardly, they are similar to road models, but have significantly more suspension travel, more powerful engines and improved mud protection. At the same time, rally cars are not designed for full-fledged off-road driving, overcoming significant bumps, etc.; their maximum is a dense coating like packed sand or fine gravel.

Crawler. A specialized type of radio-controlled cars designed to overcome obstacles. Externally, the crawlers are somewhat similar to the “monsters” described above, but differ from them in a higher suspension height, which provides a characteristic silhouette: a body raised high on long “legs”. This design allows crawlers to cope with difficult obstacles — like stone scree with steep slopes. Note that the speed characteristics of this category of cars are quite modest, because. the emphasis in them is primarily on high cross-country ability.

Changeling. Models of cars that even turned over will be able to continue moving. At the same time, from different sides, the body of the machine may look different. Such models have good cross-country ability and are considered stunt models (see "Purpose (class)").


Waterfowl vehicles capable of moving on wheels on land and swimming through water obstacles. A mandatory attribute of such models is protection against moisture (see the relevant paragraph) in order to avoid failure of on-board electronics. Not all amphibious cars are able to swim, rather, this characteristic implies the ability to freely overcome water pits and move through the snow.


The minimum age for which this radio-controlled model is suitable. These recommendations are rather conditional, but it is still not recommended to deviate from them. "Adult" 14+ models with a lot of adjustments, moving parts and power simply will not be able to master a young rider of preschool and maybe even school age. At the same time, models for the younger age category ( 3+, 4+, 5+) may not be interesting and boring for older children ( children 6 and 8+). It is also worth noting that radio-controlled cars are not always children's toys and there are models for modeling, racing — professional use.


— Electric. The most versatile type of engine: does not produce exhaust gases and is relatively quiet, so it can be used both outdoors and indoors. Charging batteries or changing batteries is usually much easier and cheaper than refilling a tank of fuel, and the maintenance of such machines is minimal (in most cases, it is actually not required at all). Electric motors are powerful enough to provide both good speed and good cross-country ability, so there are quite advanced models among such machines; at the same time, such motors are inexpensive. Among the shortcomings, it is worth noting the weak similarity of such cars with full-size cars while driving (for lovers of realism, this can be fundamental), and also, in the case of original batteries (see “Battery type”), a long charging time.

ICE (gasoline). An internal combustion engine (ICE) that uses gasoline as fuel. This option is closest to what is used in real cars; many fans of radio-controlled cars appreciate gasoline models for the sound of the engine and even the characteristic smell of exhaust gases. Another advantage is the almost unlimited time of the “rides”, subject to the availability of appropriate fuel reserves. On the other hand, noise and exhaust create inconvenience when used indoors, so gasoline "devices" are recommended to be used only outdoors. ICEs are more demanding to maintain than electric motors, but this is also neit...her a definite advantage nor a disadvantage: caring for an engine requires effort, skills and time, but for many enthusiasts this moment provides additional pleasure from their favorite hobby.

ICE (fuel). Internal combustion engines using various non-petrol fuels. Most often, a mixture of nitromethane and methanol is used in this role: for a number of chemical features, this combination is much better than gasoline for model engines with small (compared to full-size cars) cylinder volumes. In addition, the nitro-methane mixture provides more power, allowing you to create models with high speed and flotation, and the adjustment of such engines is somewhat easier. As a result, most ICE cars today are designed specifically for special fuel; the rest of their features are similar to those described above for gasoline. It is worth noting that it is impossible to refuel such models with gasoline — this will disable the engine.

— Is absent. The absence of an engine in the kit is typical of some advanced large scale models. It is assumed that the user will select and install the engine for such a machine on his own.

Motor model

The name of the engine installed in the machine. Usually, knowing this name, you can easily find information about the features of the engine — both official manufacturer data and reviews from users — and determine how much you are satisfied with its characteristics. This can be very important when choosing a model for professional motorsports.

In addition to the name, this paragraph can also specify the type of electric motor (see "Engine") installed in the machine — collector or brushless.

The collector design of the electric motor can be called classical. It allows you to create fairly light, compact, inexpensive motors, which are also easily repaired. The disadvantages of this option are relatively low efficiency, a tendency to spark (especially when overheated), as well as less durability than brushless models. In addition, with a collector motor, it is more difficult to ensure high speed. As a result, this option is typical for entry-level and middle-level models (relatively slow).

Brushless motors are considered more advanced than brushed motors: they are more powerful, more economical, more durable, better protected from pollution and well suited for overclocking to high speeds. On the other hand, such engines are much more expensive, and the complexity of the design does not allow you to repair the motor on your own. In light of all this, brushless motors are used primarily in advanced high-speed cars; the presence of such a motor is an ind...icator of a rather high class model.

Some models of radio-controlled cars can be produced in two versions, differing only in the type of electric motor.


The total volume of cylinders of the internal combustion engine of the machine (gasoline or fuel, see "Engine"). In general, the larger the volume, the more powerful the engine, with the same type of fuel, however, the consumption of this fuel is usually higher. Also, this point depends on the type and scale of the model (see both points above). So, among the road options at 1:10 there are mainly volumes of 2-2.5 cm3, 1:8 — about 3.5 cm3. For off-road types, the indicators are 2.5-3 cm3 and 3.5-4 cm3, respectively.

Note that in models purchased for entertainment purposes, engine size does not play a significant role, and for professional use there are recommendations depending on the purpose (see above), weight, type of fuel and other parameters. You can get acquainted with such recommendations in specialized sources.

Also, the volume of the engine can serve as a criterion for admission to competitions.


The highest speed of rotation of the shaft provided by the engine of the machine. The higher the maximum speed, the better the engine is suitable for high-speed driving on flat tracks, however, the torque of such options is usually lower than that of low-speed ones, they are poorly suited for off-road driving and overcoming obstacles. More detailed recommendations on the optimal speed for different classes of professional models are described in specialized sources, and for entry-level options intended for entertainment, this parameter is not critical.

Fuel tank

The volume of the fuel tank of a car with an internal combustion engine (see "Engine"). The larger this volume, the less often you will have to refuel the “apparatus” (with the same engine characteristics).

Max. speed

The highest speed that the machine can develop. Usually, this parameter is indicated for certain "perfect conditions": a flat track, high-quality fuel or a full battery charge (depending on the type of engine, see above), etc. Real figures tend to be somewhat lower; however, different models can be compared with each other according to this characteristic.

High maximum speed is important primarily for "racing" cars (ring and short-course, see above); in stunt and drift models, it does not play a decisive role. Also, you should pay attention to the maximum speed values when buying an amateur model for entertainment — here you need to take into account the features of its application. For example, if the machine is intended for a 3-4 year old child as a toy in an apartment, high speed will not be an advantage, but a disadvantage (especially since the cost of the “apparatus” directly depends on its speed).


— Full. As the name implies, in such models, traction from the engine is transmitted to all 4 wheels. The main advantage of this scheme is its high cross-country ability: the machine keeps well on difficult terrain, and even getting stuck with a pair of wheels in the air is not critical for it. Also, four-wheel drive can be used for drifting (see "Appointment (class)"), although it loses a little in this role to the rear one; however, a lesser tendency to drift can be an advantage. Its main disadvantage is the rather high cost associated with the difficulties in production. In addition, 4WD vehicles tend to be less fuel efficient than "single wheel drive" vehicles.

Rear. Models with power transmission from the engine to the rear pair of wheels. This scheme is quite unstable and requires careful control at high speeds — if you turn too sharply, the car easily goes into a skid. On the other hand, it is precisely because of the instability that this option is considered optimal for drift racing, and the design of the rear-wheel drive is very simple, reliable and inexpensive. As a result, most non-4WD RC models use it.

Front. The front-wheel drive has a high degree of stability: you can only send the car into a skid intentionally (and then you need to try hard), and the withdrawal from it is extremely simple. At the same time, stability is not always a...n advantage — for example, in drifting, it only creates additional problems. In addition, the design of such models is quite complex due to the need to combine the drive from the engines and steering on the same pair of wheels; as a result, in terms of price, reliability and ease of maintenance, they lose to rear-wheel drive. Therefore, front-wheel drive is not widely used in radio-controlled cars.


Type, model and other features of the transmission installed in the car. For details on the meaning of this parameter, see "Motor model".

Shock absorbers

Type, model and other features of shock absorbers installed in the car. For details on the meaning of this parameter, see "Motor model".


Type, model and other features of the brake system installed in the car. For details on the meaning of this parameter, see "Motor model".


Protection against moisture. The presence of protection in the design of the machine, which prevents moisture from entering the sensitive elements of the structure and the corresponding unpleasant consequences (short circuits, corrosion, water hammer, etc.). This feature is practically mandatory for outdoor models, especially off-road types with internal combustion engines (see above). However, the specific degree of such protection differs significantly in different cases: one model can be designed, for example, for a maximum of splashes from wet asphalt or light rain, while the other will calmly survive driving through a puddle “hood-deep”. Therefore, this point should be clarified according to the official data of the manufacturer.

Protection against dirt. Protection to prevent dust and dirt from entering parts that require cleanliness. Similar in many respects to the water protection described above — in particular, it is very important for outdoor use and can vary significantly from model to model.

Centre differential. The presence in the design of the machine of a differential located between the front and rear pair of wheels and distributing torque from the engine between the front and rear axles. By definition, it is found only in models with all-wheel drive (see above). The main function of this mechanism is similar to cross-axle differe...ntials — it allows the wheels, in this case the front and rear, to rotate at different speeds so that the chassis and tyres do not experience increased loads. A similar need arises, in particular, when cornering at low speed. In addition, the centre differential improves patency: when one of the pairs of wheels slips, it distributes the torque so that most of it falls on the wheels that retain traction.

Metal main pair. The main pair is called two gears responsible for transmitting torque from the engine to the transmission: one of them is located on the engine shaft, the second — on the transmission shaft. This is one of the most important structural elements of the machine, which is subjected to significant loads during use. The main pairs made of metal are much stronger and more reliable than plastic ones; if you are purchasing a model for riding in difficult conditions (for example, a short course or tricks, see "Purpose (class)"), the presence of such equipment will be very desirable. At the same time, for entertainment purposes, it is rather an excess — after all, metal gears are more expensive than plastic ones.

Anti-roll bars. The presence in the design of the machine of special devices that prevent the tipping of the structure to one side, in particular during sharp turns: during cornering, the stabilizer distributes the load on the wheels in such a way as to reduce chassis roll. However, this is not the only purpose of these parts — stabilizers of different stiffness are also a tool for distributing the grip balance between the front and rear axles. For example, if the front stabilizer is softer than the rear, the grip of the front axle will be higher, which ensures good steering, but reduces the sensitivity of the control; with a softer rear stabilizer — on the contrary. These points are described in more detail in special sources. It is worth noting that stabilizers are not a 100% guarantee against a coup — however, the likelihood of such an event is significantly reduced if they are present.

Metal deck chassis. The deck is the basis of the chassis of the machine, the frame on which the engine, transmission and body are placed. The high strength of the deck is important for models that are subjected to significant stress during riding, for example, when used for short corsets (see "Purpose (class)"). Aluminium alloys are often used as a material for metal decks in modern cars — they combine good strength and low weight. However such materials also affect the cost of the model, respectively.

Opening doors. Opening doors enhance the similarity of radio-controlled cars with real cars. You can put a toy driver behind the wheel of such cars in miniature, and passengers in the passenger compartment. Also, through the doors, access to the interior of the radio-controlled car is provided.

— Light effects. The presence of various lighting effects in the model: headlights, parking lights, flashing beacons (flashing lights), bottom lighting, etc. Such equipment not only makes the machine look like a real car, but also makes it more noticeable to others and reduces the likelihood of unpleasant incidents. At the same time, for advanced models, these moments do not play a key role, so lighting effects are found mainly in inexpensive entertainment cars.

— Sound effects. The presence in the model of various sound effects — for example, a horn, a siren, the sound of a powerful engine, etc.; sometimes there are even built-in melodies. To play sounds, usually, a small speaker is provided. This function is purely for entertainment purposes and is found only in simple and inexpensive models designed for the younger age group.

Driver. A toy pilot seated behind the wheel of a radio-controlled car. The presence of a pilot allows you to give free rein to your imagination - driving a car from a distance, you can imagine that it is being driven by a little man.

Power source

The type of power source used in a machine with an electric motor (see “Motor”).

- AA. Replaceable elements of a standard size, popularly known as “pen-light batteries”. The main advantage of battery-powered cars over battery-powered cars is the ability to quickly replace dead batteries. On the other hand, the power of such power supply is quite modest, so they are found mainly in models for younger people.

- AAA. Such elements are almost completely similar to the AA described above and outwardly differ from them only in their reduced size (which is reflected in their common name - “little finger”).

- Ni-Mh. Specialized batteries made using nickel-metal hydride technology like other batteries ( Li-Pol, Li-Ion, Ni-Cd, LiFePO4, branded) are superior to replacement batteries in capacity and compactness and are better suited for powerful electric motors. Ni-Mh batteries themselves are notable primarily for their ability to withstand high charge and discharge currents without consequences - the first is important given the “gluttony” of electric motors, the second has a positive effect on the charging speed. In addition, such batteries are resistant to low temperatures, do not h...ave a “memory effect”, and are relatively inexpensive. At the same time, they are inferior to Li-Pol elements in terms of capacity (with the same dimensions).

- Li-Pol. Specialized batteries made using lithium-polymer technology. For more information on specialized batteries in general, see above (Ni-Mh). Li-Pol technology itself makes it possible to create batteries with high capacity, small size and weight, and without the “memory effect,” however, it is quite expensive.

- Ni-Cd. A relatively old battery manufacturing technology, the predecessor of the Ni-Mh described above. The common features of these technologies are resistance to high charge and discharge currents, low temperatures, and low cost. True, nickel-cadmium batteries are subject to the “memory effect” - a decrease in capacity when charging an incompletely discharged battery; however, this can be corrected by using advanced chargers and following operating instructions. But the clear disadvantage of this option is considered to be environmental unsafety during production and disposal; This is typical for all batteries, but it is most relevant for Ni-Cd cells, so they are used less and less.

— Li-Ion. Batteries made using lithium-ion technology and not belonging to any of the universal standard sizes (like AA). Lithium-ion batteries are practically not subject to the “memory effect”, are easy to use and charge fairly quickly. Their disadvantages include a higher price and less resistance to high and low temperatures.

— LiFePO4. Lithium iron phosphate batteries are actually a modification of lithium-ion batteries (see the corresponding paragraph), developed to eliminate some of the shortcomings of the original technology. They are notable above all for their high reliability and safety: the likelihood of a battery “exploding” when overloaded is reduced to almost zero, and in general LiFePO4 can cope with high peak loads without any problems. In addition, they are quite resistant to cold and maintain operating voltage almost until discharge. The main disadvantage of this type is its slightly smaller capacity.

— Branded battery. This category includes all specialized batteries (see subparagraph “Ni-Mh” above), for which the manufacturer did not indicate the manufacturing technology. We also note that if “ordinary” specialized batteries can be standard and can be used in different models of radio-controlled equipment, then branded batteries often have an original design and are designed only for cars from one manufacturer.

Battery voltage

The operating voltage of the battery supplied with the machine. For models for AA and AAA cells (see “Battery Type”), it is not indicated — the specification of these cells assumes a common voltage standard, about 1.5 V. In other cases, battery voltage data does not play a significant role in everyday use, but may be useful , if you need to pick up a charger, a spare battery or a battery to replace a damaged one, but you do not have data on the battery model (see below).

Battery capacity

The capacity of the battery supplied with the electric motor model (see "Motor"). Indicated only for variants using original batteries (see "Battery type"), measured in ampere-hours: 1 Ah corresponds to the capacity at which the battery is capable of delivering a current of 1 A for 1 hour.

The higher the capacity of the battery, the longer, usually, the “device” is able to work without recharging. However, the practical time of operation on a charge is largely determined by other characteristics of the machine — scale, purpose (see both points above), weight, model and engine power, etc. Therefore, in most cases, this parameter plays a purely reference role, and it is only possible to compare the battery capacity among themselves with machines that do not have any significant differences in other characteristics.

Battery model

The model of the original battery (see "Battery type") for which the machine was designed. Most often, such a battery is supplied with the “apparatus”. Data on the battery model may be needed if it is out of order and needs to be replaced, when looking for a spare battery or when selecting a charger (usually, charging capabilities are already provided in the standard package, but it is possible that a separate device will be required).

Number of batteries

The number of batteries (namely AA or AAA batteries) required to operate the car.

Operating time

The maximum time that the machine can operate on a full battery charge. This item is very conditional, since it is measured when using the model not at maximum power. But in general terms, it can tell about the battery life of the machine.

USB charging

The ability to charge the battery of the machine from a standard USB port.

This feature provides very extensive features for finding energy sources: USB ports are available not only in all computers and laptops, but also in various other equipment — TVs, car radios, etc. In addition, USB adapters are available for household sockets and car cigarette lighters. And in the absence of outlets nearby, the energy supply can be replenished from a standalone device — for example, from the same laptop or power bank. The disadvantage of this charging method is the relatively low power and poor suitability for high-capacity batteries, which is why it is found mainly in small entertainment machines.

Remote control

RC car equipment comes in two common form factors: gamepads with multi-position sticks or pistol-style transmitters with a throttle and steering wheel. Usually, pistol remote controls are used in car modeling, and transmitters with sticks are used in children's radio-controlled cars.

When choosing the appropriate control equipment, it is necessary to take into account the frequency of the radio channel (see the relevant paragraph), the number of channels, each of which is responsible for one of the actions of the model (for example, gas / brake and steering wheel turns), as well as the range of finishing the signal from the transmitter. For comfortable rides in open areas, coverage of up to 150 m will be enough — at a greater distance, the car may be lost from sight. The most advanced solutions today are remote controls with telemetry, which allows real-time monitoring of the parameters of the state of the power unit, battery, monitoring the distance of the model, etc.

Radio frequency

The frequency at which the transmitter of the model control box operates.

— 27.145 MHz. One of the frequencies used for radio remote control for a long time; in some CIS countries it is even reserved by state regulatory bodies for this very purpose. Such transmitters are relatively inexpensive, but suffer from one serious drawback: they do not provide channel separation when several consoles are operating in close proximity to each other. In other words, if the machine stays in the coverage area of two transmitters, the signals from them will be mixed, which is actually tantamount to a loss of control. This is most often unimportant for recreational models, however, in competitions with several cars on the track at the same time, it can create serious problems and requires tricks with the design of the frequency grid and the use of interchangeable crystal oscillators. As a result, in professional motorsport, this frequency is gradually being replaced by the more advanced 2.4 GHz standard.

Separately, we note that among car models there may be transmitters with frequencies of 35, 40 and 75 MHz; according to the main features, they are completely similar to the described 27.145 MHz and differ only in the operating frequency.

— 2.4 GHz. The most advanced communication standard to date, used by remote control cars. Its main feature (and difference from those described above) is the possibility of normal operation of several transmitters of this...format in close proximity to each other. To do this, various technologies are used that provide automatic distribution of receiver-transmitter pairs over their own channels (similar to how it happens, for example, in mobile communications). Theoretically, the 2.4 GHz band may be more prone to interference, as many modern electronics work in it (in particular, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth modules); however, due to the aforementioned distribution of channels, such problems arise only in very unfortunate cases.


The greatest distance between the remote control and the machine, at which the transmitter of the remote control is still able to guarantee normal controllability of the model. Note that official specifications usually provide data for perfect conditions: full battery charge, no obstacles in the signal path, extraneous interference, etc .; in fact, the range may be somewhat less. However, according to this parameter, it is quite possible to compare different models of radio-controlled cars with each other.

The higher this indicator, the farther you can let go of the machine from the remote control, the less often you have to move to keep control. However, a large range means not only a long range as such — it also speaks of a good signal penetration, its ability to pass through various obstacles.

Power source

The type and number of batteries required for the operation of the model control panel.

— AA. Replaceable cells, known in everyday life as "finger-type batteries". They can be produced not only in the form of disposable batteries, but also in the form of rechargeable batteries. In both cases, they are available in a wide range of items that differ in price and quality, which gives freedom of choice; batteries are sold almost everywhere and are inexpensive. The power and capacity of AA elements are relatively small, but in most cases they are quite enough for normal operation of the transmitter for quite a long time. Usually, modern remotes require several of these batteries — usually 2, 4 or 6.

— AAA. Replaceable cells, known as "mini finger" or "little" batteries. From the AA batteries described above, they differ only in their smaller size and, accordingly, in their capacity; the rest are completely similar. They are mainly used in remotes for inexpensive entertainment models: such remotes do not require a lot of energy, but compactness is sometimes crucial.

— PP3. Replaceable batteries of a characteristic rectangular shape, with a pair of contacts on one of the ends. They have a nominal voltage of 9 V. Such elements are quite popular in "entertainment" models designed for children — not least because only one battery is enough for the remote control.

— Accumulator. In this case, a specialized battery is meant, either of an original d...esign, or in a size that is not related to replaceable elements. These power supplies can be far superior to battery packs in terms of power and capacity, but they are not cheap, and such advanced features are rarely needed in fact. Therefore, battery remotes are found mainly among large-scale professional-level models, with increased requirements for the range and reliability of the transmitter on the remote control.

Wheel diameter

The diameter of the wheels that the machine is equipped with.

In inexpensive " children's " or "entertainment" cars, the size of the wheels, usually, is not indicated at all — this parameter is relevant primarily for professional modellers who pay attention to all the nuances of the design. In general, larger wheels handle various bumps and obstacles better, while smaller ones allow you to achieve higher accelerations and top speeds. Accordingly, for high-speed racing it is better to choose smaller wheels, and for driving on rough terrain and overcoming obstacles — more. Detailed recommendations on a specific wheel diameter for different situations can be found in special sources.

Front wheel width

The width of each of the front wheels of the machine.

It is worth paying attention to this indicator if the machine is purchased not just for entertaining “rides”, but for more serious purposes — racing on a track or cross-country, overcoming obstacles, etc. Other things being equal, wider wheels provide more reliable traction, have less pressure on the ground (respectively, the risk of getting stuck is reduced) and contribute to stability. Narrower wheels, in turn, have less weight and resistance, allow you to reach high speeds and make the machine more manoeuvrable.

Note that the front wheels are sometimes made narrower than the rear — this, in particular, makes it easier to turn them from side to side and reduces energy consumption when steering. This design is especially popular among buggies (see "Type").

Rear wheel width

The width of each of the rear wheels of the machine.

It is worth paying attention to this indicator if the machine is purchased not just for entertaining “rides”, but for more serious purposes — racing on a track or cross-country, overcoming obstacles, etc. Other things being equal, wider wheels provide more reliable traction, have less pressure on the ground (respectively, the risk of getting stuck is reduced) and contribute to stability. Narrower wheels, in turn, have less weight and resistance, allow you to reach high speeds and make the machine more agile.

There are models in which the rear wheels are wider than the front. This is primarily due to the fact that the rear wheels do not need to turn when steering (whereas the front, swivel, it is better to make it narrower to reduce resistance). In addition, in many models, the engine and other massive parts are placed precisely in the rear, and the increased width of the wheels is needed so that they can normally withstand the increased load.

Front track

The width of the front track of the machine, in other words, the distance between the front wheels. The wider the track, the more stable the machine will be, the less likely it is to roll over to one side in a turn or when driving on a slope, which is especially important for off-road types. Note that only models with the same scale can be compared with each other in terms of track width (see above).

The width of the front track may differ from the width of the rear, which affects the control of the machine: with a wider front track, the so-called oversteer (and a tendency to skid), with a wider rear — understeer (the model is more stable, but it takes sharp turns worse).

Rear track

The width of the rear track of the car determines the distance between the rear wheels. The value of this parameter is similar to the width of the front track (see above).

Base length

The wheelbase length is the distance between the front and rear axles of the car. This parameter determines a number of features of the behavior of the model in motion. So, a longer base provides stability during acceleration and predictability when cornering; in turn, a shorter one provides better cross-country ability, manoeuvrability and controllability in a skid. Of course, only models of the same type and scale can be compared with each other in terms of wheelbase length (see both points above); and this parameter is of key importance only for professional automodel sports.

Ground clearance (ride height)

Ground clearance, or ground clearance, is the distance from the lowest point of the car body to the road surface. Large ground clearance is important for off-road models (buggies, truggies, "monsters", see "Type"): it increases the cross-country ability in general and allows you to overcome individual point obstacles (for example, pebbles), simply passing them under the bottom. In turn, models for high-speed driving on a flat surface (for example, circuit racing) have a small clearance to reduce aerodynamic drag.

It is possible to compare different models by clearance only within the same scale (see above).


The material from which the body of the machine is made. The body in this case means the upper part of the model, mounted on the deck of the chassis and giving it a resemblance to a real car by imitating the shape and coloring of the body.

One of the most popular body materials is plastic. It is inexpensive, easy to process, can be produced in any shape and colour, and applying even a complex pattern to plastic is not a problem. At the same time, the strength of this material is sometimes insufficient for models designed for difficult driving conditions. Therefore, plastic can be supplemented with metal elements — usually made of aluminium alloy, which combines good strength and low weight. However these machines are more expensive.
from£ up to£ 
Child's age
Model scale
Suitable for
Max speed
Сar power source
In box
Clear parameters