Number of colors
The color palette that a printer or MFP can print.
A large number of colors is required for high-quality photo printing and obtaining color prints with many shades. As a standard, for a color MFP,
4 colors are provided.
First page print
The time passed from pressing the Copy button to the completion of the first copy in MFPs. Typically specified for low quality black and white printing on A4 paper. The time for the first copy to be released is the longest (because of the time to prepare for work and scan the document); subsequent copies of the same document are printed much faster.
Fast first copy time is important if you have to copy documents frequently.
B/W copy
Black and white copy speed – the number of copies of one page that the MFP can produce in 1 minute. Typically indicated for poor print quality. This option is important if you often need to make many copies of a single document.
Colour copy
Colour copy speed – the number of full-colour copies of one page that the MFP can produce in 1 minute. Generally slower than black and white copy speed.
B/W printing
The number of pages the printer can produce per minute in black and white mode. Typically indicated for low print quality, higher print quality takes longer. This setting is important if you need to frequently print text documents.
Colour printing
The number of pages the printer can proceed per minute in colour mode. As like b/w printing, the print speed is usually indicated in the worst quality (at maximum speed), in higher quality the print speed is lower. This setting is worth paying attention to if you need to print colour graphic materials frequently.
Monthly Duty Cycle
The maximum number of pages that the MFP can print in a month while remaining fully operational.
Black Ink Page Yield
Approximate number of pages that the MFP can print in black and white mode without replacing the cartridge. In fact, this greatly depends on the specs of the images to print, so the actual resource may greatly differ from the claimed one in one way or another. Nevertheless, according to this indicator, it is quite possible to evaluate the capabilities of the MFP and compare it with other models.
Cloud printing
Cloud-enabled MFPs allow you to work directly with cloud services without connecting to a PC.
The general point of such printing is that the documents sent for printing (and in the case of MFPs, also scanned materials) are stored on a server on the Internet. Thus, the connectivity of the printer/scanner is not limited to the local network — you can send documents for printing and receive scan results from anywhere in the world where there is access to the World Wide Web. In addition, cloud services make it easy to share access to the MFP and other people.
Note that cloud printing can also be used with MFPs, that do not have such a function by themselves — for this, you need to connect the device to a PC with the appropriate software.