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Comparison Canon 100mm f/2.8L RF IS USM Macro vs Canon 24-105mm f/4L RF IS USM

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Canon 100mm f/2.8L RF IS USM Macro
Canon 24-105mm f/4L RF IS USM
Canon 100mm f/2.8L RF IS USM MacroCanon 24-105mm f/4L RF IS USM
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Possibility of macro photography. Optical image stabilization. Silent autofocus.
Lens typefix
Main functionportraitmultifunctional
Macro photography
Canon RF
Canon RF
Focal length100 mm24 - 105 mm
Aperture valuef/2.8f/4.0
Min. diaphragm3222
Minimum focus distance0.26 m0.45 m
Maximum zoom1.40.24
Sensor sizefull frame/APS-Cfull frame
Autofocus driveultrasonic drive motorultrasonic drive motor
Image stabilization
 /equivalent to 5 exposure steps/
Design (elements/groups)17 elements in 13 groups18 elements in 14 groups
Number of diaphragm blades99
Dustproof & waterproof
Filter diameter67 mm77 mm
Dimensions (diameter/length)82х148 mm84х107 mm
Weight730 g700 g
Added to E-Catalogseptember 2021september 2018

Lens type

General lens type. Note that this parameter is largely determined by the equivalent (not actual) focal length, but in the characteristics of optics, the actual value is most often indicated; see "Focal length" for more on this.

The type is not indicated for any optics, but only for models that have a pronounced specialization and clearly fit into a certain category. In addition to them, there are so-called universal lenses — see below about them. And specialized models can be of the following types:

Fix. This category on our website includes almost all lenses that do not provide the ability to change the focal length. These can be wide-angle models, and optics with a long focal length, providing a high degree of magnification, and models with average values; the only exception is the ultra-wide-angle fisheye, which is a separate type (see below). Due to the simpler design, fixes are usually cheaper and more reliable than similar zoom models. Their main disadvantage is the actual constant focal length. Because of this, when working with fixes, you have to have your own lens for each type of shooting, and zooming in / out of the image is carried out solely by moving the camera closer / farther relative to the object being filmed (in professional jargon — “zoom with your feet”).

Wide angle. Zoom lenses, the minimum value of which is up to 18 m...m inclusive, the maximum is up to 40 mm inclusive (both are in 35 mm equivalent). This provides a wide viewing angle with virtually no visible distortion (unlike ultra-wide-angle models, see below). "Wide angles" are often used for shooting landscapes, large objects, etc.; also, such a lens can be useful in tight conditions, where you need to capture the widest possible scene (for example, a large group of people), and the situation does not allow you to move far away.

Ultra wide angle. Also, this type of lens is called fisheye, or "fisheye". Their equivalent focal length is up to 17 mm inclusive, and viewing angles can reach 180° and even more, which allows capturing a very large area of the surrounding space in one picture (for example, the sky around the entire circumference of the horizon). Such lenses have noticeable distortion in the resulting image: the centre of the frame looks closer than the edges, and straight lines that do not pass through the centre of the frame become crooked. Because of this, fisheye optics got their name: the view through it is similar to how a fish sees the ground from under the water. Most often, fisheyes have a fixed focal length, but there are also zoom lenses. Such lenses are used, in particular, to create panoramas, shooting in confined spaces, as well as to provide artistic effects.

Tele. Lenses with a long focal length and, accordingly, a high degree of magnification, designed primarily for shooting at long distances. If we talk about specific numbers, then in our catalog telephoto lenses include models with a variable focal length, in which the lower limit of the focal length is at least 50 mm, and the upper limit is at least 200 mm. Such optics can be convenient, in particular, when shooting nature, sports competitions and mass events.

In addition to those described above, many lenses are produced that meet the criteria for several types at once or do not fit into any of them. Examples include, in particular, an intermediate option between wide-angle and telephoto lenses with a focal length of 24 to 55 mm, or a model with an extensive adjustment range like 28 – 200 mm, covering both of these types. Such lenses without specialization are called universal. In general, their scope is quite wide, and most of the optics supplied in the kit (kit) with SLR cameras belong to the mentioned “intermediate option”. However in terms of image quality, universal models are often inferior to specialized optics with a similar price; on the other hand, a set of several specialized lenses often costs more than a high-end "station wagon" with the same capabilities.

Main function

The general purpose is rather conditional, and in fact the use of optics is not limited to the claimed direction — it all depends on the skills and imagination of the photographer. However, information about the specialization can greatly facilitate the choice. Considering such original options as a cinema lens and a multifunctional.

Architectural. Lenses designed primarily for shooting buildings. Most of these models are equipped with the Tilt-Shift system (see below). In this case, this function is intended to correct the perspective when shooting tall buildings. In a photograph taken with a normal lens, straight lines can turn out to be curved, which is unacceptable in cases where an accurate representation of the building in the picture is required. Using the Tilt-Shift system allows you to avoid this phenomenon and get a reliable image that does not require additional correction in a photo editor.

Landscape. In this case, landscape lenses include short-focus (wide-angle) lenses, which, according to test results, provide good image sharpness. In other words, not all “wide-angles” are classified as landscapes, but only those that are actually capable of providing a clear, sharp image.

Portrait. The hallmarks of a classic portrait lens are: first, the fixed focal le...ngth, which is usually over 50mm (35mm equiv.); secondly, high aperture (most often not lower than f / 2.8, although occasionally there are exceptions). This combination of characteristics allows you to shoot portraits with beautiful background blur, placing the camera at a fairly significant distance; the latter can be useful in studios where additional lighting equipment is used — it is advisable to install the camera behind lighting fixtures so that it does not give a shadow. Speaking of a fixed focal length, it is worth recalling that "fixes" are simpler, lighter and cheaper than zoom lenses, and the ability to adjust the magnification when shooting portraits is rarely required — most often you can completely get by with "zoom with your feet".

— Multifunctional. This direction includes lenses of a universal type (see above), offering the buyer a good value for money; in other words — multi-purpose models with good performance and at the same time relatively inexpensive (namely, "comparatively", the actual price can be quite high). When choosing models in this category, the quality of filming was evaluated according to the results of real tests.

Film lens. The main feature of cinema lenses is the ability to fine-tune the aperture. The aperture can be closed / opened by 0.1 or even 0.01 mm, while in photo lenses the aperture setting step cannot be less than 1 mm. Additionally, in cinema lenses, aperture is expressed by a T-number, and in photographic lenses, an F-number is used. The operator can shoot multiple cinema lenses with the same aperture, without the need to change the lighting. And when using photo lenses with the same aperture, you often have to adjust the lighting for each optic separately. Cinema lenses are meant to be shot from a tripod, which is reflected in their design features and design — such models are usually larger and heavier than their counterparts for photography.

Macro photography

Macro photography is the shooting of small objects (for example, flowers, insects, clockwork) from an extremely close distance, sometimes measured in millimetres. In this case, the image of the object occupies a large part of the frame (often almost the entire one), which gives the effect of a significant increase and makes it easy to see details in the picture that are usually almost invisible to the human eye. For such shooting, both lenses specially designed for it and universal models with the appropriate mode can be used.

Aperture value

Lens aperture is a characteristic that determines how much the lens attenuates the light flux passing through it. It depends on two main characteristics — the diameter of the active aperture of the lens and the focal length — and in the classical form is written as the ratio of the first to the second, while the diameter of the active aperture is taken as a unit: for example, 1 / 2.8. Often, when recording the characteristics of a lens, the unit is generally omitted, such a record looks, for example, like this: f / 1.8 or f/2.0. At the same time, the larger the number in the denominator, the smaller the aperture value: f / 4.0 lenses will produce a darker image than models with f / 1.4 aperture.

Zoom lenses usually have different aperture values for different focal lengths. In this case, the characteristics indicate two aperture values, for the minimum and maximum focal lengths, respectively, for example: f / 4.5-5.6

The larger the aperture of the lens, the shorter shutter speeds it allows you to use when shooting. This is especially important when shooting fast-moving subjects, shooting in low light, etc. And if necessary, the light stream transmitted by the lens can be weakened using a diaphragm (see below).

Another point that directly depends on this indicator is the depth o...f field (the depth of space that is in focus when shooting). The higher the aperture, the smaller the depth of field, and vice versa. Therefore, shooting with artistic background blur (bokeh) requires high-aperture optics, and for a large depth of field, you have to cover the aperture.

Min. diaphragm

Aperture is a design of several blades-curtains, which allows, if necessary, to reduce the diameter of the active aperture of the lens, actually reducing its aperture (for more details, see "Aperture"). In addition to reducing the light output (which can be relevant, for example, in bright sunlight), closing the aperture has another effect — it increases the depth of field. In other words, “in focus” is a larger volume of space than with an open aperture.

The values on the aperture scale are usually selected from a standard range. The numbers in it actually indicate what aperture the lens will have when the aperture is closed to a given value: for example, an aperture value of 5.6 will correspond to f / 5.6 aperture. The larger the number indicating the minimum aperture value, the more options the photographer has and, accordingly, the possibilities for setting the shooting mode (ceteris paribus).

Minimum focus distance

Minimum focus distance (m) - the smallest distance from which you can focus on an object and take a photo. Usually it ranges from 20 cm for wide-angle lenses to several metres for telephoto. In the macro mode of the camera or with the help of macro lenses, this distance can be less than 1 centimeter.

Maximum zoom

The degree of magnification of the object being shot when using a lens for macro shooting (that is, shooting small objects at the maximum possible approximation, when the distance to the subject is measured in millimetres). The degree of magnification in this case means the ratio of the size of the image of the object obtained on the matrix of the camera to the actual size of the object being shot. For example, with an object size of 15 mm and a magnification factor of 0.3, the image of this object on the matrix will have a size of 15x0.3=4.5 mm. With the same matrix size, the larger the magnification factor, the larger the image size of the object on the matrix, the more pixels fall on this object, respectively, the clearer the resulting image, the more details it can convey and the better the lens is suitable for macro photography. It is believed that in order to obtain macro shots of relatively acceptable quality, the magnification factor should be at least 0.25 – 0.3.

Sensor size

The size of the matrix for which the lens was originally designed.

The formats (and sizes) of modern matrices can be indicated diagonally in inches (1/1.8", 1/2.3" — in this case, the conditional "Visicon" inch is taken, which is about 17 mm), according to the actual dimensions (13.2x8.8 mm) or by symbol (APS-C, full frame). In general, the larger the sensor, the more advanced and expensive it is.

Among modern lenses, solutions for such matrix formats are most popular, in ascending order of size: 4/3(17.3x13 mm, used in cameras of the Four Thirds and Micro Four Thirds standards), APS-C(23x15 mm with slight variations, SLR and MILC cameras of the middle class), full frame(36x24 mm, the size of a standard film frame — advanced DSLRs), big frame(anything larger than full frame — high-end professional cameras). Optics for other formats is somewhat less common.

Note that it is technically allowed to use with “non-native” sensors, however, in such cases, the performance characteristics of the optics will differ from those claimed. So, when installed on a smaller matrix (for example, a full frame lens on an APS-C camera), only a part of the image created by the lens will fall on such a sensor. As a result, the space that gets into the frame will be narrower, and the details in the frame will be larger, as if the focal...length of the lens has increased (although it has remained unchanged, only the matrix has changed). And when installed on a larger sensor, the covered space will increase, the detail will decrease; in some cases, the size of the “picture” provided by the lens may simply not be enough for the entire area of the matrix, and the pictures will be obtained with black space around the edges.

Image stabilization

The presence in the lens of its own image stabilization system. Such a system includes gyroscopes and movable lenses that compensate for small tremors of the lens and prevent the appearance of “shake”. Stabilization is especially relevant when shooting handheld, especially at slow shutter speeds and/or at long distances with high magnification: it is in such conditions that “shake” affects the quality of the image the most. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the presence of a stabilizer significantly affects the weight, dimensions and, above all, the price of optics; at the same time, some modern cameras have their own stabilization systems (due to matrix shift). Therefore, it makes sense to choose a lens with this function in the case when maximum protection against “shake” is of fundamental importance.
Canon 100mm f/2.8L RF IS USM Macro often compared
Canon 24-105mm f/4L RF IS USM often compared