Load system
The design of the system that creates resistance on the flywheel of the cross trainer and the corresponding load during training. The following options are currently in use:
Mechanical. The operation of this system is similar to the brakes of a car: special brake pads are pressed against the flywheel, and by changing the force of pressing, the resistance to movement also changes. The advantages of mechanical load systems are simplicity and low cost, reliability, and the ability to create high resistance for large loads. They do not require power, and in the design of the cross trainer, you can get by with a battery for auxiliary electronics (see "Power source"). On the other hand, the pads, due to friction against the flywheel, create a certain noise, which can lead to inconvenience; they also wear and tear over time. The mechanical system is used mainly in low-cost cross trainer models.
Magnetic. In systems of this type, the resistance changes due to permanent magnets: by bringing them closer to the flywheel or moving away from it, you can change the resistance to movement. Similar to mechanical ones (see above), magnetic load systems do not require power; at the same time, they provide smoother adjustment and practically do not create noise. At the same time, this variety is poorly suited for training professionals — it is not capable of creating a serious load (although it is usua
...lly quite enough for domestic use).
— Electromagnetic. This type of system is considered the most advanced. The principle of their operation is similar to magnetic ones (see above). However, instead of permanent magnets, stationary electromagnets are used in this case. The load, on the other hand, changes due to a change in the strength of the current passing through the windings of the electromagnets: the stronger the current, the stronger the magnetic field and, accordingly, the higher the resistance to movement. Thanks to this, electromagnetic models can provide very high load levels, while maintaining one of the main advantages of magnetic systems — complete noiselessness. The main disadvantage is the need for a powerful power supply, which is realized either by connecting to the mains or by installing a built-in generator (see "Power source"). These cross trainers are quite expensive.
— User's weight. The load system allows you to work exclusively with the load of your weight. The simplest mechanism, which has a minimum of nodes, is quite reliable and budgetary.Flywheel weight
The weight of the flywheel installed in the cross trainer. It is a massive wheel, the rotation of which ensures the movement of the pedals and creates a load on them. It is believed that the more weight, the better: a massive flywheel provides smooth movement with a minimum of jerks and creates uniform loads that mimic natural ones as much as possible. This is especially important for athletes with a large body weight — from 100 kg and above. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the cost of the entire cross trainer directly depends on the weight of the flywheel, and for home non-professional use it is not always justified to look for a machine with a very heavy flywheel.
Q factor
Q factor — the distance between the cross trainer pedals. Anatomically correct running position for ankles suggests a Q factor between 50mm and 90mm. The exact value depends on the height and build of a particular user. Cross trainer with a Q factor up to 90 mm allows you to remove excess stress from the joints of the legs. Of course, it must be taken into account that with the growth of the Q factor, the load on the user's muscular system automatically increases. So, models with an indicator above 90 mm allow for more effective training. But at the same time, an anatomically incorrect position of the legs is assumed, which can adversely affect the health of the joints. If the user has any diseases associated with the joints, you should choose a cross trainer with an optimal Q factor for your height and build (from 50 to 90 mm).
Step length
The maximum horizontal distance between the pedals of the cross trainer, determines, respectively, the length of the athlete's step when working on the machine. It is believed that for people of average height, a step length of 400 – 500 mm is optimal, and many cross trainers are made with this calculation. At the same time, there are models with a variable step length, which allows you to adjust it to the personal preferences of different users.
Anyway, the step length should be chosen depending on height, physique and personal preferences. Too small a step will lead to the fact that you have to mince, and the imitation of walking will turn into marking time, and too wide will lead to inconvenience and an unjustified increase in load without increasing efficiency. Ideally, it is advisable to test the cross trainer before buying — how comfortable you will be on it. This applies to both fixed and adjustable step lengths.
Training programs
The number of
training programs provided for in the design of the cross trainer. Different programs have different purposes — strengthening the cardiovascular system, maintaining physical fitness, burning fat, etc. At the same time, the operation of the program relieves you of the need to manually set the parameters — this is done by the machine. Accordingly, the more training programs the cross trainer has, the wider its capabilities and the more convenient the training. And some models may even provide the possibility of custom programs.
The dimensions of the equipment in the assembled and ready-to-work state. It is important to note that more space is needed for the comfortable and proper operation of the machine.