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Comparison Voopoo Drag X Pod vs Eleaf iJust 3 Kit

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Voopoo Drag X Pod
Eleaf iJust 3 Kit
Voopoo Drag X PodEleaf iJust 3 Kit
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The evaporators are equipped with mesh coils.
POD system /hybrid/
gPS tracker
Battery modelectronicelectronic
Type of atomizerdisposabledisposable
Liquid tank capacity4.5 mL
6.5 mL /or 2 mL/
Refilling typebottomtop
Airflow typesidebottom
Minimum resistance0.1 Ohm0.1 Ohm
Maximum resistance3 Ohm3 Ohm
Battery1х18650Li-Ion (non-removable)
Capacity3000 mAh
Power80 W80 W
Minimum voltage3.2 V
Maximum voltage4.2 V3.3 V
Charging via microUSB
General specs
Materialzinc alloystainless steel
Tank materialglass
Size95x33x28 mm
25х136 mm /131 mm for 2 mL/
158 g /152 g for 2 mL/
Added to E-Catalogaugust 2020may 2018


Starter kit. A set also known as a “kit” or “box mod”. It includes everything you need for vaping — both a battery mod and an atomizer; in other words, a “kit” is a ready-to-use electronic cigarette (except that in some models the battery has to be purchased separately). At the same time, this category includes both relatively inexpensive and simple devices and high-end models. In any case, starter kits will be appreciated by tech who do not want to select a battery mod and atomizer separately and would like to immediately receive a device whose components are optimally compatible with each other.

POD system. A specific type of electronic cigarette that uses replaceable cartridges — “pods” — instead of traditional atomizers. Each cartridge consists of an evaporator and a container with liquid; the “pod” can be either open (with the ability to refill at your discretion) or closed (disposable, supplied filled and thrown away when the liquid supply is exhausted). In any case, POD systems are usually sold as ready-made kits, which have a number of advantages over traditional vapes. Firstly, cartridges are relatively inexpensive and take up very little space; as a result, you can carry several “pods” with different flavors and/or strengths at once, changing them in a battery mod as desired. Secondly, the battery mods themselves...are more compact and lighter than in regular electronic cigarettes, they are more convenient to carry and do not attract as much attention. Thirdly, POD systems are extremely easy to maintain - in fact, there is no point in making replaceable cassettes serviceable. Among the disadvantages of such devices, one can note the relatively small capacity of batteries and reservoirs in cassettes, although there are exceptions.

Disposable. Disposable POD systems are vaping devices without the ability to fill liquid and recharge the battery. The liquid reservoir in their design has a certain volume, and a specific battery capacity is selected for it (based on the specified number of puffs). When the “disposable” runs out of vaping liquid or the battery runs out, the device can be thrown away. Due to their compact size, disposable electronic cigarettes easily fit into a pocket, a small compartment of a bag or backpack. Also, they often lack controls and settings - the heating element is activated as soon as the customer takes a puff. In terms of flavor, there are many different options for disposable POD systems on the shelves.

— Atomizer. A separately sold vaporizer of an electronic cigarette — that is, the part where the vapor is generated; for operation, the vaporizer is installed on a battery mod (see below). Some types of such devices are also called "clearomizers", but this term is used less and less often; nowadays, all vaporizers are usually united under the term "atomizer". Be that as it may, the overall impressions of the vape are mainly influenced by the characteristics of the vaporizer: in particular, the taste and richness of the vapor, as well as the ability to customize the vapor to your preferences, directly depend on them. So in order to change the sensations of vaping, it is enough to try a different atomizer. In addition, when buying a new vape, many users (especially experienced ones) prefer not to rely on ready-made starter kits, but to choose an atomizer and a battery mod separately, at their discretion.

— Battery mod. The part of the electronic cigarette responsible for powering the evaporator (atomizer). The functionality of such a mod can be different - from the simplest container for a replaceable battery with an on/off button to an advanced device with complex control electronics and advanced capabilities (see "Battery mod"). Be that as it may, separately sold battery mods are designed for tech who want to assemble an electronic cigarette according to individual requirements, without relying on the starter kits.

Liquid tank capacity

The volume of the liquid tank provided in the design of the atomizer. Note that this parameter can be specified even for squonk atomizers (see "Filling type"): although they work with an external tank, however, a certain amount of "liquid" can fit in the evaporator itself.

The larger the tank, the more liquid you can keep in an electronic cigarette and the less often you have to refill it. On the other hand, capacious tanks have the appropriate dimensions, and too large a tank would be inconvenient, and liquids are consumed relatively little even in one long session of soaring. As a result, a volume of more than 6 mL is already considered quite large for vapes, and in the smallest models this figure does not exceed 2 mL.

Also note that when choosing a tank capacity, manufacturers usually take into account the resistance of the spiral, the power of the battery (if it is included) and other parameters that affect the expected flow rate of the liquid. There is no hard dependency here, however, in general, more powerful atomizers are usually equipped with larger tanks.

Refilling type

Upper. The traditional type of filling was initially quite popular, but now such atomizers are gradually giving way to bottom filling models. The main advantage of this option is the ability to pour liquid without turning the atomizer over and without removing the flask from the battery mod. However refilling usually requires disassembly — for example, unscrewing the cap with the mouthpiece.

Lower. This option assumes that for refueling, you need to turn the atomizer upside down and pour liquid from the bottom side. At first glance, this procedure is less convenient than top filling, but it provides an important advantage for serviced heaters: if necessary, you can remove and rewind the base without draining the liquid from the tank. Note that squonk format drip atomizers are formally also refueled from below, however, they have their own specifics, therefore they do not belong to this category and are allocated separately; see below for details.

Side. Refueling through a special hole in the side of the atomizer. Like the top one, this design allows you not to remove the flask from the battery mod; the opening usually opens and closes easily and quickly, without the need, for example, to unscrew the cap. This option is quite popular in baco drips (see "Type of atomizer"), althou...gh it is also found in other varieties.

— Squonk. A specific type of bottom filling used in models with drip atomizers (see "Type of atomizer"). These vapes have a rather large e-liquid reservoir installed in the battery mod, and each time you press a special button (or the elastic wall of the reservoir), the liquid is fed into the atomizer in small portions directly through the connector. This design eliminates the main drawback of drip atomizers — the need to constantly add liquid manually, "drop by drop": instead of the hassle of manual refueling, it is enough to periodically press the button. At the same time, most of these evaporators allow installation on a regular battery mod, without a squonk — for this, the kit provides a replaceable connector of a standard design, without a channel for supplying liquid; and on battery mods with a squonk, usually, you can put ordinary atomizers without restrictions. The disadvantages of this option can be somewhat higher cost than analogues with traditional types of refueling.

Airflow type

The type of blowing provided in the atomizer of an electronic cigarette.

This parameter is indicated by the location of the cells for the intake of air entering the evaporator. According to this criterion, lower, upper and side airflow are distinguished, here are their main features:

— Lower. The most popular option nowadays. Such popularity is primarily due to the fact that many vapers consider the “lower” vapor to be the most delicious. In addition, bottom blown atomizers are easier to maintain than "side" models, they are not so demanding on winding quality. The disadvantages of this option include an increased likelihood of leakage, including during liquid overflow; and the condensate, which is quite intensively formed at the air intakes, tends to flow down onto the battery mod. However, these points are not particularly critical.

— Upper. A format that has appeared relatively recently. In general, such an airflow conveys taste somewhat worse than the lower one, moreover, the steam turns out to be hotter; however, this point is largely subjective, and some users like this type of steam. The objective advantages of the “upper” atomizers include the minimum probability of overflow, the almost complete absence of condensate flowing onto the battery mod, and the absence of splashes even when using coils with very low resistance.

— Si...de. The type of blowing used mainly in "drips" (see "Type of atomizer"). If the bottom airflow gives the most delicious steam, then the side airflow is the most dense and saturated. This is achieved due to the fact that the air flows around the spiral as intensively as possible and captures the greatest amount of evaporation. In addition, the likelihood of liquid overflow and splash formation in such atomizers is very small, and with the right settings, the taste is transmitted almost as well as in the “lower” models. The main disadvantage of this option is the actual need for careful tuning and proper installation of the spiral — so that there are no blind spots on it. So side airflow is generally designed for experienced users; maintenance-free atomizers are an exception, but this format of operation is rarely used in them.

Also note that there are combined options for sale, for which two types of airflow are indicated at once. Here the specifics can be different. So, it is unrealistic to combine the upper and lower airflow in one evaporator, therefore this option is indicated only for sets of several atomizers with different types of airflow. But the side format of work may well be combined with the top or bottom — this allows you to combine the advantages of both options and provide saturated steam. On the other hand, the need for careful tuning for such devices is just as relevant as for "pure" side ones.


The type of connector for connecting the atomizer to the battery pack provided in the device. The most popular today are two types of connectors:

ego. A standard used primarily in entry-level starter kits (see "Type"). In such models, the battery mod has the form of a cylinder with a small diameter and, accordingly, does not differ in special power and capacity. The connector itself is screw, and when connected, the battery is screwed into the atomizer (unlike the 510 standard). Charging is also carried out through the ego connector, and, accordingly, requires the use of specialized chargers. For more solid equipment, this connector does not fit well, and therefore is not used in more or less powerful battery packs.

- 510. The most popular modern connector for electronic cigarettes, used in most battery packs and atomizers; installed in almost all devices of the middle and top class, as well as in most low-cost models. Like the ego, it uses a screw connection, however, in this case, the atomizer is screwed into the slot on the body of the battery mod, and not vice versa.

For normal compatibility of the atomizer with the battery mod, it is necessary that both of them use the same connector. However, due to the extreme popularity of the 510 type, problems with this very rarely arise, and in extreme cases, adapters between these standards are produced.


The type of battery that the battery mod is equipped with or designed for (if the battery is not included).

Modern vapes can use both removable and non- removable batteries. The former are convenient in that a dead battery can be quickly replaced with a fresh one, and while one battery is in use, the second can be charged. However, for many vapes with such a power supply, you have to separately purchase both the batteries themselves and “chargers” for them (for more information about this type of batteries, see the “Removable” section). Non-removable elements, in turn, cannot be quickly changed, but they are more compact, immediately included in the delivery package and extremely easy to use: when the charge is exhausted, you do not need to mess with external chargers, just connect the supplied charger (or even just a USB cable). ).

As removable elements in vapes, 3.7-volt cylindrical lithium-ion batteries are mainly used, here are their main sizes:

— 18650. The most popular size of 3.7 V replacement batteries nowadays. Such cells have a diameter of 18 mm and a length of 65 mm, and their prevalence is due to a combination of good performance with relatively compact dimensions. The number of batteries of this type can be different: for models of relatively low power (up to 100 W), one 18650 battery is enough, in more powerful mods there are 2,...and in some models even 3 or more 18650 batteries.

— 20700. The format of replaceable batteries, used much less frequently than 18650 — due to its larger size (diameter 20 mm, length 70 mm). The number of such elements can also be different — from one in relatively low-power models to two or even three.

21700. Another relatively rare size of replaceable batteries; has the same length as 20700 (70mm) but larger diameter (21mm). Such elements are used mainly one at a time, vapes for two 21700 batteries are almost never produced.

— 26650. A rather specific size: such elements are the same 65 mm long as 18650, but their diameter is almost one and a half times larger — 26 mm. This provides high capacity and power, but the large size limits the use of this type of power supply, it is found only in single vape models (although there are devices even for two batteries). And in some battery mods for such elements, it is allowed to replace 26650 with 18650 due to the same length.

Built-in batteries, in turn, differ in the technology by which they are made. Nowadays, Li-Ion (lithium-ion) or Li-Pol (lithium-polymer) non-removable batteries are mainly used. They are similar in their main characteristics: they are compact, have a good capacity, lack the "memory effect", but they do not tolerate both frost and heat. The main difference is that in the first variety the electrolyte is liquid, and in the second it is a solid polymer. Thanks to this, Li-Ion cells are somewhat cheaper, and Li-Pol are less sensitive to overloads and safer in emergency conditions.


The battery capacity of an e-cigarette or separately sold battery mod. This parameter is indicated only for models with non-removable batteries (see "Battery type"): replaceable cells can be produced in different capacities.

The larger the battery, the longer you can use the device without recharging the battery. However the actual power consumption and, accordingly, the battery life of different models will be different, therefore, only devices with similar operating voltages and atomizer resistances can be compared in terms of capacity.

In general, if battery life is important to you, it is quite possible to proceed from the principle “the more capacious the battery, the better”; and to save money, you can choose a relatively weak battery. It is also worth mentioning that there are schemes for calculating the optimal battery capacity depending on the power, atomizer resistance, etc.; these schemes can be found in special sources.

Minimum voltage

The lowest voltage that the battery mod can supply to the atomizer.

The meaning of this parameter depends on the type of battery mod and the functions of the board (see above). So, in mechanical and simple electronic modes, the smallest value to which the battery voltage can drop before it turns off and requires charging is usually indicated here. Knowing this parameter, as well as the resistance of the atomizer, you can calculate the minimum guaranteed vaping power.

If we are talking about a mod with adjustments like varivolt or variwatt, then the minimum voltage is also the lowest voltage that can be set manually in the settings. This may be necessary to reduce the power and, accordingly, the intensity of soaring — for example, if the gas station has a very rich taste, and abundant dense steam would be overkill. In adjustable battery packs, the lower the minimum voltage (with the same maximum voltage), the wider the adjustment range, the more options the vaper has to adjust the vaping parameters. See “Maximum voltage".

Maximum voltage

The highest voltage that the battery mod can supply to the atomizer.

Knowing the minimum (see above) and maximum voltage, it is possible to estimate the heating power that the battery is able to provide at a certain resistance of the atomizer. For example, if we have a battery mod with a voltage range of 3.3 – 4.8 V and an atomizer with a 1.8 Ohm coil, then the current strength at the minimum voltage will be 3.3 / 1.8 ≈ 1.8 A, and at maximum 4.8 / 1.8 ≈ 2.7 A. Accordingly, the smallest heating power will be 3.3 * 1.8 ≈ 6 W, and the largest 4.8 * 2.7 ≈ 13 W. In this case, the nominal power of the battery can be higher, but not vice versa — the actual power cannot be more than the nominal. Let's say, theoretically, the battery from our example, combined with a 0.15 Ohm sub-ohm atomizer, even at the minimum voltage, should produce a current of 3.3 / 0.15 = 22 A and a power of 3.3 * 22 = 72.6 W. However, if a power of 50 W is claimed in the characteristics, then higher values \u200b\u200bare impossible to achieve, even if you unscrew the regulator to the maximum — at low resistances, the voltage at the battery output drops sharply.
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