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Comparison Universal Nutrition Fat Burners 55 vs BioTech L-Carnitine 1000 mg 30

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Universal Nutrition Fat Burners 55
BioTech L-Carnitine 1000 mg 30
Universal Nutrition Fat Burners 55BioTech L-Carnitine 1000 mg 30
Outdated ProductCompare prices 1
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Effect on the body
herbal extracts
chromium picolinate
amino acids /methionine, lysine/
choline bitartrate
Dosage formtabletstablets
Number of capsules / tablets5530
Daily rate4 pcs/day1 pcs/day
Country of originUSAUSA
Added to E-Catalogfebruary 2018february 2018

Effect on the body

The main ways of influencing the body provided by this composition.

Thermogenic. Fat burners act mainly by accelerating metabolism, increasing energy consumption and activating the central nervous system. A side effect of this is an increase in body temperature, hence the name; in addition, most of these compounds suppress appetite. Thermogenics is one of the most popular types of fat burners. However, note that there are several contraindications for taking such formulations. In particular, they are not recommended for high blood pressure, heart disease, and some problems with the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys; if you have such problems, you should consult with a specialist before taking thermogenic.

Lipotropic. Compounds that accelerate the breakdown and removal of fats. Promote the release of fatty acids from adipose tissue during intense exercise, as well as the processing of fat into energy. At the same time, unlike the thermogenics described above, lipotropics do not increase temperature and pressure and do not have an exciting effect on the nervous system. Due to this, compositions of this type are well tolerated and have practically no contraindications (except for individual intolerance to the components). On the other hand, lipotropic have a rather weak fat-burning effect; many of the active ingredients used in such formulations are only involved in the brea...kdown of fats, but do not accelerate this process.

Adrenomimetic. Compounds that improve the conductivity of adrenergic synapses — nerve endings that are sensitive to adrenaline and norepinephrine — and/or increase the release of adrenaline and norepinephrine. Anyway, adrenomimetics enhances the action of natural “excitatory” hormones, speeding up metabolism, blocking receptors that interfere with fat burning, and stimulating receptors that promote this process. Note that such compounds have a pronounced stimulating effect, they can lead to an increase in pressure, an acceleration of the heartbeat, a feeling of anxiety, etc. So, before starting to take adrenomimetics, it's ok to consult a doctor.

Appetite reduction(anorectic). Fat burners that help reduce appetite — and, accordingly, reduce the number of calories entering the body. Reduced appetite is one of the side effects of thermogenics (see above), but formulations specifically designed for this are also available. Such compounds purposefully affect the nervous system, suppressing the hunger centre and activating the satiety centre. Note that anorectics usually have a stimulating effect on the nervous system, so they should be used with caution, ideally after consulting a doctor; this is especially true for those who suffer from high blood pressure or other problems of the cardiovascular system.

Nutrient blocker. Compounds that block the absorption of fats or carbohydrates — nutrients "responsible" for weight gain. Note that fat blockers and carb blockers are two separate types of sports nutrition that act on different types of nutrients. It is worth choosing a specific option depending on the characteristics of the diet and metabolism. However, all such compounds have a similar purpose and mechanism of action, so in this case, they can be combined into one category. The mechanism of action of blockers usually lies in the fact that the active substance binds fats or carbohydrates into an indigestible compound, and “extra” nutrients leave the body without being absorbed. Most of these formulations have almost no side effects, but there are exceptions, so before use, you should carefully read the instructions and, if necessary, consult a doctor.


A separate subgroup of nutritional supplements that affect higher mental functions and are believed to be able to enhance cognitive functions: improve intelligence, concentration, and memory. At the same time, concentration on the performance of strenuous, time-consuming and energy-intensive tasks, such as sports training, increases, and fatigue decreases. At their core, nootropics are neurometabolic stimulants. They begin to act not after the first dose, but when used on an ongoing basis.


The main active ingredients that make up the fat burner.

L-carnitine. A substance of natural origin, an amino acid related to the B vitamins. Among other things, it is responsible for transporting fats to the muscles, where they are converted into energy during intense exercise. Thus, L-carnitine itself is not a fat burner, but it significantly increases the effectiveness of training aimed at losing weight. Note that this substance is also produced in the human body, but under normal conditions, it is relatively small, so it is advisable to take L-carnitine additionally to burn fat. It is also worth considering that L-carnitine stimulates the nervous system, so you should be careful when combining it with other stimulants. Often, L-carnitine is presented in its pure form.

Caffeine. A natural stimulant found in, among other things, coffee and tea. Accelerates metabolism, and promotes the production of adrenaline and the release of stored fats. In addition, caffeine has a positive effect on the emotional state and performance, improves the effectiveness of training, and also reduces appetite. Moreover, this substance has practically no side effects; only at high doses or hypersensitivity to caffeine can characteristic signs of overexcitation (excessive sweating, nervousness, tremor, etc.) appear. Note that caffeine by itself does not provide a suf...ficiently powerful fat-burning effect, so it is often combined with other substances — in particular, green tea extract.

Guarana. Extract from the fruit of guarana, a shrub native to South America. The main active ingredient in this extract is caffeine (see above); however, in addition to it, guarana contains several other stimulants — in particular, theobromine and theophylline, which have a stimulating effect on the nervous system, reduce fatigue and increase endurance.

Methylhexanamine (DMAA). A substance from the family of stimulants, similar in action to caffeine described above. DMAA improves mood, performance and focus, accelerates the breakdown of fat, and also suppresses appetite. In terms of intensity of exposure, this substance is many times greater than caffeine, while it is believed that it practically does not give side effects. However, it is worth noting that methylhexanamine is on the WADA list of banned drugs as a stimulant doping drug, and is banned in some countries, mainly because the effects of its heavy use are poorly understood.

Phenylethylamine. A substance with a stimulating effect that improves concentration, mood and performance. The action is similar to amphetamines, but has no side effects and does not cause addiction. It is worth noting that phenylethylamine is very quickly destroyed in the body, when taken orally, most of this substance breaks down in the stomach without entering the blood, and the half-life in the blood is a matter of minutes. Therefore, taking this substance in its pure form is practically useless. However, some manufacturers claim that their products use a particularly stable form of phenylethylamine, the period of action of which is quite sufficient to provide the desired effect.

Synephrine(bitter orange extract). A stimulant similar in action to adrenaline and ephedrine; often used as a substitute for ephedrine (the latter is illegal in many countries). Synephrine has a thermogenic effect: it increases heat production, accelerates metabolism and the breakdown of fats; in addition, it improves mood, performance and concentration, and also reduces appetite. However, it is worth noting that there are two main varieties of synephrine; specifically from bitter orange, p-synephrine is obtained, the effectiveness of which is relatively low, and the lipolytic effect is manifested only at high dosages. Another variety — m-synephrine — is more effective, obtained synthetically and is much less common.

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). A group of isomers of linoleic acid — one of the polyunsaturated fatty acids vital for the human body. Conventional linoleic acid is usually supplied in adequate amounts through food, and CLA isomers play the role of dietary supplements. It is worth noting that the effectiveness of these substances specifically in burning fat is very low, therefore, in its pure form, CLA makes sense to use mainly for preventive purposes — to prevent fat gain and process the resulting excess fat into muscles. For a serious fight against obesity, it is better to use complex formulations containing more potent ingredients. The presence of CLA in such formulations is beneficial primarily because these acids reduce the risk of tumours and cardiovascular disease. On the other hand, in people with a very obese physique, this component increases the risk of developing diabetes and gallstone disease; so in such cases, it is advisable to consult a doctor before taking it.

Yohimbine. A substance with a stimulating effect, it is used both for burning fat and for increasing libido. It has a well-pronounced lipolytic effect due to the blockade of alpha-adrenergic receptors that interfere with the breakdown of fat. In addition, it stimulates the central nervous system and improves performance. Note that the exciting effect is enhanced when taken simultaneously with other stimulants.

Green tea extract. Green tea extract has a complex effect on the body. From the point of view of burning fat, it is important for its high content of catechins — substances that reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol, promote the efficient absorption of nutrients and the breakdown of fats, and also have an antioxidant effect. The effect of catechins is further enhanced by the fact that they are combined with caffeine in green tea extract (see above). In addition, such an extract contains tannins, as well as vitamins C and K (the latter helps to strengthen bones).

Green coffee extract. A food supplement that is created from unroasted coffee beans. Green coffee is rich in chlorogenic acid. This substance promotes weight loss and also increases vasoreactivity of the cardiovascular system. This dietary supplement stabilizes blood pressure, removes toxins and toxins from the body, and improves the removal of metabolic products. Green coffee extract improves the process of lipolysis (fat breakdown), but this requires high physical activity.

Extract of Garcinia Cambogia. A highly effective appetite blocker that is widely used in weight loss supplements. The main active ingredient of Garcinia Cambogia extract is hydroxycitric acid. Thanks to the acid, the hormone leptin, which provokes a feeling of hunger, is suppressed. Regular use of the extract allows you to easily comply with strict dietary restrictions. Additionally, garcinia cambogia extract stimulates the process of fat breakdown. Another very useful property is the suppression of citrate lyase, which is responsible for the conversion of carbohydrates into fats.

White willow extract. Salicin concentrate obtained from a decoction of willow bark. This substance acts on adipose tissue as an oxidizing agent. Salicin effectively destroys fatty tissue, releasing a store of energy. Additionally, white willow extract exhibits anti-inflammatory and healing properties. This tool effectively relieves pain and strengthens the joints.

Ephedra extract. A powerful synergist was obtained from a decoction (infusion) of the leaves of medicinal ephedra varieties (Ephedra Sinica and Ephedra Viridis). This extract well suppresses appetite and effectively breaks down subcutaneous fat. Ephedra extract significantly increases the energy potential of the body, which contributes to the burning of calories. It is especially effective in combination with other synergists. Thus, the so-called ECA complex, which is based on a mixture of ephedra extract, caffeine and aspirin, has become widespread.

Extract of Coleus forskohlii. A fat burner obtained from the dried roots of Coleus forskohlii. The active component of the extract is forskolin, this substance stimulates the production of adenylate cyclase, which is responsible for the removal of fats from cells and their further breakdown.Coleus forskohlii extract is especially effective for women. Forskolin stimulates the resorption of cellulite and protects muscle tissue during strict diets. This extract stabilizes blood pressure and normalizes bone mineral density. Coleus forskohlii extract will be effective both during passive diets and in combination with sports training.

Cocoa extract. An integral ingredient in many synergists. The substances included in cocoa have a mild psychostimulating effect on the body. Cocoa improves mood, speeds up metabolism, and increases energy flow.

Plant extracts. Extracts of certain medicinal plants. Most often, such components have a standard effect: accelerating metabolism with appetite suppression and/or improving the release of fats from adipose tissue and their processing into energy. In this case, the specific set and severity of such effects may be different, depending on the composition of the extract; these details should be clarified in each case separately. Of the most popular options for plant extracts, it is worth mentioning: mate extract (similar in action to the green tea extract described above), cocoa extract (contains minerals and antioxidants, prevents atherosclerosis, and improves the condition of the cardiovascular system), green coffee extract (contains chlorogenic acid, which allegedly helps to strengthen the cardiovascular system and reduce weight, but there is no scientific confirmation of this effect), cinnamon extract (helps maintain blood sugar levels, increases insulin sensitivity, accelerates protein synthesis).

Theobromine. A mild stimulant similar in properties to caffeine. This substance is obtained from cocoa beans. Theobromine stimulates the acceleration of metabolism, and improves mood. In medicine, it is used as a means of strengthening the cardiovascular system.

Naringin. Metabolic stimulant derived from citrus fruits, mainly grapefruit. Naringin shows the properties of an antioxidant of adipose tissue. This substance lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood. In medicine, it is often used to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Naringin prevents the occurrence of capillary haemorrhages.

Hordenin. A powerful fat burner that forms the basis of many popular types of sports nutrition today. This substance stimulates the secretion of norepinephrine, which releases energy due to the decomposition of fatty tissue. Hordenine is obtained from germinating grains of barley, sorghum and other cereals, and many varieties of cactus are also rich in it. Thanks to hordenin, the mood rises, and the body quickly comes into a tone. This substance will dull the feeling of hunger, making it possible to strictly adhere to the chosen diet.

Theacrine. Theacrine is 1,3,7,9-tetramethyluric acid, which is obtained from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis. This substance is also called structured caffeine. According to its properties, theacrine is almost identical to the action of the caffeine stimulant, but unlike it does not lead to insomnia, tremors or nervous overexcitation. Theacrine is a dopamine reuptake inhibitor. Thanks to this property, additional energy is released, and the level of attention and concentration increases. The pain syndrome decreases, the level of working capacity increases, and fatigue disappears. This substance is not addictive, as is the case with caffeine. Theacrine is commonly used in the creation of pre-workout sports nutrition complexes and is often found in weight loss preparations.

Chromium picolinate. A substance containing the trace element chromium and the chemical group picolinic acid (which, in turn, is derived from the amino acid tryptophan). According to some manufacturers, this form of administration promotes the absorption of chromium; however, most modern people get enough of this micronutrient with normal food and do not need additional supplements. In addition, there is no evidence that this substance contributes to the fat-burning process. But what chromium picolinate affects is a decrease in appetite: in particular, it reduces the need for fatty and carbohydrate foods, including in people with some form of depression.

Chitosan. A type of dietary fibre that acts as a fat blocker. In addition, chitosan increases the viscosity of gastric contents, reduces the rate of gastric emptying and reduces appetite. It should be noted that in sports nutrition there are two varieties of chitosan: the usual one, the effectiveness of which is extremely low, and the modified one, which has a pronounced effect. So when choosing a composition with this component, it's ok to clarify what kind of chitosan is included in its composition.

Pepper extract. An extract obtained from various varieties of hot peppers (in particular, chilli and cayenne). The main active ingredient in these extracts is capsaicin, the substance that gives pepper its spiciness. Capsaicin has a pronounced thermogenic effect and reduces appetite, while it does not have a stimulating effect, does not increase blood pressure and pulse.

Raspberry ketones. A natural flavour first discovered in red raspberries; This is what gives the berries their characteristic taste and smell. According to some manufacturers, raspberry ketones help speed up metabolism and increase lipolysis, in particular, by increasing the production of norepinephrine. However, the effectiveness of such substances has not been scientifically proven.

DMHA. DMHA (2-aminoisoheptane, aka octodrine) is a metabolic activity stimulant and fat burner. Based on this substance, many pre-workout complexes and preparations for weight loss have been created. Contained in geranium, but the industrial creation of DMHA is based on artificial synthesis. It acts on the central nervous system, accumulating energy mediators (dopamine and norepinephrine). Due to this property, endurance to high physical exertion increases, the pain threshold increases, and fatigue decreases. However, the main benefit of DMHA is the breakdown of fatty tissue. This substance increases lipolysis (fat breakdown) by 169%. Because of this, DMHA is often used by bodybuilders at the stage of drying and drawing muscle relief. Octodrine was synthesized relatively recently, in 2017. DMHA has replaced DMAA, which is on the doping list in many countries.

Amino acids. Nutrients that play the role of "bricks" from which all body proteins are built. By themselves, amino acids do not accelerate fat burning, but they play an important role in metabolism, including lipolysis, and also affect mood, performance and training efficiency. The need for additional intake of amino acids is because some of them are indispensable — they are not produced in the body and must be supplied with food. The specific composition of the amino acid complex that is part of the fat burner may be different, it should be specified separately in each case.

Vitamins. Vitamins do not have a specific fat-burning effect, but they are an important part of proper nutrition, especially at high loads. In particular, vitamin B6 contributes to the maintenance of mood and performance and also takes part in metabolism. B1 is necessary for the cardiovascular and nervous system, B12 is for hematopoiesis, K and D3 are for bone strength, E is for proper cell metabolism, and C plays the role of an antioxidant and promotes the production of some important hormones. In addition, vitamins may include other substances that are not related to vitamins per se but have a similar effect. This, in particular, folic acid (it is extremely important for all processes associated with the formation of new cells) and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (lower cholesterol, improve the condition of the cardiovascular system, digestion, as well as skin, nails and hair).

Minerals. A complex containing various minerals and micronutrients that are important for the life of the body. Such substances do not have a direct effect on fat burning but are essential for the proper functioning of the body and the effective functioning of special supplements. The specific composition of such a complex may be different, it should be specified separately. Among the most important and commonly found minerals are calcium (the main material of bones and teeth), phosphorus (involved in bone formation and energy metabolism in cells, including muscle tissue), magnesium (also involved in metabolism at the cellular level), iron (in addition to other things, it is part of haemoglobin), zinc (affects protein synthesis), iodine (is an important component of thyroid hormones).

In addition to those described above, fat burners may include other ingredients, in particular:

— Lecithin. A substance from the class of phospholipids, which is critical for the normal functioning of the nervous system: it is part of the sheaths of nerve fibres and brain cells. In addition, lecithin has a positive effect on the functioning of the liver, lowers blood cholesterol and prevents atherosclerosis. During intensive training, it is mainly used to protect the liver.

— Holin. It is part of the lecithin described above and has a similar effect — in particular, it improves the functioning of the nervous system and protects the liver. In addition, choline strengthens the heart, takes part in carbohydrate metabolism and normalizes insulin levels.

— Biotin. Vitamin from group B (B7), is an important component in enzymes that provide protein and fat metabolism. It plays an important role in the synthesis of amino acids, energy metabolism in muscles and in building muscle mass.

— Inulin. A type of dietary fibre, used, in particular, to normalize digestion. It has no fundamental advantages over other types of fibre.

— GABA. Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is an amino acid that has a calming effect and stimulates the production of growth hormones. The latter, in turn, has an anabolic and fat-burning effect.

— Guggulsterons. Naturally occurring steroids that stimulate the thyroid gland and promote the production of hormones that provide accelerated fat-burning. In addition, there is evidence that guggulsterone reduces the digestibility of fats.

— Coenzyme Q10. One of the substances that play a key role in the energy metabolism of cells, in particular, the synthesis of ATP. It increases endurance and resistance to intense physical activity, and also has an antioxidant effect.

Number of capsules / tablets

The number of capsules or tablets in the package of the supplement supplied in this form (see "Dosage form"). Knowing the daily rate, you can calculate how long this package will last.


The number of individual servings contained in the package. For liquid preparations supplied in ampoules (see "Dosage form"), this amount corresponds to the number of ampoules. For all other forms of release, the number of servings is calculated for the standard serving size recommended by the manufacturer (see below). For example, a package of 60 tablets with a serving of 2 tablets will contain 60/2 = 30 servings.


The recommended dosage of a serving of the drug, produced in the form of tablets or capsules (see "Dosage form"). Knowing the number of tablets per serving, you can calculate the total number of servings in the package, if this information is not specified by the manufacturer.

Note that the recommended volume is indicated per "average" person. It is allowed to deviate from it downwards if unpleasant side effects are observed, but you can increase the dosage only after consulting a specialist.

Daily rate

The daily rate of the supplement produced in the form of tablets. Usually, it is equivalent to two or three doses — it is this format of administration (2 – 3 times a day) that is considered the most optimal.

Note that it is not recommended to exceed the daily norm; At least before that, you should consult with a specialist.