Max. user weight
The maximum user weight for which the exercise bike is designed, in other words, the maximum weight of the athlete, at which the unit is guaranteed to work for the amount of time stated in the characteristics without the risk of breakage. This parameter should be adhered to as accurately as possible, do not be mistaken about the fact that 3-5 kg over the calculated weight will not affect the device. Yes, most likely, the exercise bike will be able to work for some time, but it will experience loads exceeding the calculated ones, and at best it will fail earlier than expected, and at worst it may break at the most unfortunate moment, which is fraught with injuries. In addition, this case is usually not covered by the manufacturer's warranty, and you will have to eliminate the consequences at your own expense.
Handlebar adjustment
Handlebar adjustment usually implies the possibility of changing the angle of its inclination and, accordingly, the distance between the handlebars and the seat. Thus, each athlete can set the distance that is most convenient for him to avoid unnecessary stress on his arms and back.
Country of origin
The country from which the product brand originates. The brand in this case can be described as a general designation by which the goods of a particular manufacturer are known in the market. The country of its origin does not always coincide with the actual place of production of the product: to reduce the cost of production, many modern companies transfer it to other countries. It is quite normal for products, for example, of an American or German brand, to be made in Taiwan or Turkey. Contrary to popular belief, this does not lead to a decrease in the quality of the goods — it all depends on how carefully the brand owner controls the production. And many companies, especially large and famous, monitor the quality very zealously — after all, their reputation depends on it.
The dimensions of the assembled equipment. It is important to note that in fact more space is needed for the comfortable and proper operation of the exercise bike.