Age category for which the food is designed.
Different ages are associated with different needs for energy, nutrients, vitamins and trace elements. For example, kittens need large amounts of proteins, fats and minerals to grow properly. It is for small kittens that the largest number of nutrition gradations by age has been introduced (from 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months). Young cats use a lot of energy, while older cats tend to have dental and digestive problems, and need easily digestible and non-solid food. These features are taken into account when creating feed.
Specifically, by age, cats in this case can be divided into the following categories:
Kittens - from birth to reaching the size of an adult cat (8 - 12 months). Solid foods can be given to kittens from about 1 month of age; before that, if there is no lactating mother cat nearby, it is recommended to use milk replacers.
Young - from one to two years.
Adults - from 2 to 7 - 8 years.
Elderly - from 7 - 8 years and above.
Calorie content (energy value) of the product in terms of 100 grams of weight. Knowing the calorie content of the feed and the animal's energy requirement per day, it is possible to determine the optimal daily portion size. The recommended number of calories depends on many factors — age, body type, breed of cat, the presence of certain features or diseases, etc.; This amount can be determined from special tables.