Lukullus Natural Grain-free Pouches 6 x 300g at a glance: Very tasty Cold-filling helps to retain the delicious taste of the natural ingredients Top-quality protein from healthy, carefully selected meat Fruit and vegetables provide a fresh taste and are a good source of vitamins Rounded off with different oils which support shiny fur and healthy sk... morein. The oils are rich in omega 3 6 fatty acids Completely natural because these tasty recipes are made without any artificial additives or preservatives Lukullus Natural Grain-free dog food is a complete wet food that contains all the vital nutrients your dog needs. This wholesome food is grain-free and made with top quality ingredients. This wholesome food comes in practical pouches. The easy to use Lukullus pouches guarantee your dog enjoys an aromatic, tasty meal every time. The pouches are easy to portion and easy to dispose of when empty. In harmony with nature: Made with carefully selected ingredients that will appeal to your dog Lukullus Duck Veal with Sweet Potatoes, Apple Linseed Oil is a delicious combination of easy-to-digest animal protein. The grain-free recipe is nutritious, wholesome and suitable for dogs with food sensitivities. Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Apples provide a fresh taste as well as plenty of fibre to help maintain a healthy digestive system. Linseed oil is rich in vital omega 3 and 6. It adds extra flavour and goodness and encourages a good metabolism and support a glossy coat and healthy skin. Lukullus Poultry Lamb with Potatoes, Dandelion Grapeseed Oil contains 33% top quality poultry and 33% top quality lamb. This delicious combination provides your pet with vital animal protein. Fresh potatoes are a great source of healthy carbohydrates. A sprinkling of tasty dandelion leaves help to keep the digestive system working well. And a shot of grapeseed oil rounds the recipe. It is also packed with unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E which support supple skin and shiny fur. Lukullus Beef à la Provençale with Potatoes and Ratatouille Vegetables: An exquisite French recipe, made with succulent beef, provides plenty of protein. Potatoes provide fibre and carbohydrates and the delicious ratatouille vegetables peppers, aubergines and courgettes provide valuable vitamins. A splash of top quality olive oil and biotin add a certain je n’ai sais quoi and helps to keep your dog’s fur nice and shiny and its skin healthy. Vive la France! Lukullus Natural Grain-free Pouches Mixed Trial contains the following delicious varieties: 2 x 300g Lukullus Poultry Lamb with Potato, Fresh Dandelion and Grape Seed Oil 2 x 300g Lukullus Duck Veal with Sweet Potato, Apple and Linseed Oil 2 x 300g Lukullus Beef à la Provençale with Potatoes and Ratatouille Vegetables Lukullus Natural wet dog food is available in a selection of different flavours. And there is also a seasonal variety for something really special. More information about the
Lukullus wet dog food in pouches. Tasty varieties and suitable for fully-grown dogs, they are perfect for gourmet dogs. Now available in top value saver packs 24 x 300g.
Lukullus wet dog food in pouches. Tasty varieties and suitable for fully-grown dogs, they are perfect for gourmet dogs. Now available in top value saver packs 24 x 300g.
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dry food, 1.5 kg, порода: small, age: senior, appointment: everyday, for skin and coat, for dental care, for picky eaters, for kidneys, в составе: rice, grain, poultry meat, proteins, vegetables, minerals, vitamins, class: super premium
dry food, 3 kg, порода: medium, cocker spaniel, age: young, adults, senior, appointment: everyday, for active dogs, for skin and coat, for dental care, for obesity management, for heart, в составе: poultry meat, animal meat, rice, grain, vegetables, vitamins, minerals, class: super premium
dry food, 8 kg, порода: small, age: from 10 months, young, adults, appointment: everyday, for active dogs, diet, for skin and coat, for dental care, for obesity management, в составе: poultry meat, animal meat, rice, grain, vegetables, vitamins, minerals, class: super premium
dry food, 14 kg, порода: medium, age: young, adults, appointment: everyday, diet, for skin and coat, for dental care, for joints, в составе: poultry meat, cereals, vegetables, minerals, vitamins, class: super premium
dry food, 15 kg, порода: large, age: from 15 months, adults, appointment: everyday, diet, for skin and coat, for joints, for bones, в составе: poultry meat, animal meat, grain, vegetables, vitamins, minerals, class: super premium