Wrists go through a lot and are prone to carpal tunnel syndrome, repetitive stress, arthritis, and tendonitis, making performance painful without the right gear.. Even if you don’t have these conditions, you would benefit from the preventative power of an. effective wrist compression sleeve like ours.. Perfect for providing an extra layer of suppor... moret and stability when you are playing tennis, golf,. or lifting heavy weights in the gym, our supports deliver effective hand, thumb, and wrist compression for all activities and fitness levels.. Our supports work as hard as you do to deliver pain relief, reduce inflammation, and help you be on your A-game when you need it the most.. Experience the premium comfort, endurance, and support of Bearhug technology by trying our wrist support today!. How Does Our Wrist Sleeve Work?. Our sports wrist support is created using a top-quality, unique bamboo charcoal yarn that. gives you comfort and support that simply can’t be matched by other products on the market.. Support For The Wrist. For wrist support that extends to protect the thumb and hand, look no further than Bearhug.. Whether you need proven arthritis wrist support or protection for any other wrist-related injury, our product protects the joint and soft tissue, delivering the ultimate in stability and. support to minimise injury and pain and then aid recovery.. Pain Relief. Thanks to the intricate weaving techniques used, you can relieve stress and pain on the. wrist joint with a Bearhug wrist support, helping you squeeze the most out of your gym workouts, golf day, or tennis match.. Comfortable Compression. Each wrist compression sleeve is woven using super soft round bamboo fibres that are. comfortable to wear and don’t slip out of place when used. All of this works to wrap the wrist. with a comfortable but critical compression level to keep discomfort to a minimum and allow. you to move without restriction.. Improved Blood Flow. Blood flow is vital to reduce pain and inflammation and promote ligament, tendon, and. muscle recovery after activity. The good news is that the bamboo technology in each wrist. support has been scientifically proven to boost wrist and hand blood flow by 40% more than. other supports.. Warmth. Warmth is a key component for any wrist or hand support for arthritis, and ours delivers top-level warmth to help compression and blood flow to the wrist joint.. Sweat Resistant Technology. The smart air-hole knit that goes into making our wrist compression makes soggy, sweat-. laden supports a thing of the past thanks to the breathability and ventilation that help wick. sweat away.. How Can A Bearhug Wrist Compression Sleeve Help Me?. Our wrist supports are suitable for people of all fitness levels, regardless of activity.. Support And Stability For Exercise. With a Bearhug wrist support, you can hit new personal records when lifting in the gym, out. on the golf course, or perfecting your tennis shots. The high level of
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