Leatherette tablet cases for tablet Manufacturer tablets Apple Blackview Doogee Honor Lenovo Microsoft Oukitel Samsung Teclast Xiaomi 3Q 4Good @Kids @Lux ACME AGM ALBA ATRIX AXFILD Acer Acropolis Adronix Ainol Aiwa Alcatel Alfa Alldocube Allview Amazon Anod Aocwei Aoson Apache Apex Appollo Aquarius Archos Arian Aspiring Assistant Asus Atlas Atom Aura BB-mobile BBK BDF BLOW BLU BQ BRAVIS Barnes&Noble Beeline Behold Binai Black Shark BlackBerry Blaupunkt Bliss COBY CROSSCALL CUBOT Cavion Chuwi Colorfly Colorovo Contixo Cortland Creative Crown Cube D-Jet DESO DEX DEXP DFunc DGM DaVinci Daewoo Datawind Dell Denver Digitools Digma Doffler Doro Dragon Dunobil Durabook E-Star EVGA EVOO EXEQ Eken Elenberg Elitegroup Emporia Energy Sistem Enot Eplutus Ergo Etuline EvroMedia Excimer Explay FOCUS Fidget FinePower Fly Fossibot Freelander Fujitsu Fusion Gazer General General Mobile Getac Gigabyte Gigaset Ginzzu Globex Glofish Gmini GoClever GoTView Google HMD HP HTC Haier Hannspree Highscreen Hoco Honeywell Hoozo Hotwav Huawei Hugerock Hyundai ICOO INTEGO IQOO Impression Inch Infinity Infinix InnJoo Inoi Insignia Intermatrix Irbis Iriver JCB JXD Jeka Jumper KAKADU KREZ KS-is Karbonn Kiano Kings Kodak Kruger&Matz LAUF LG LIN Land Rover Lark LePan Lenco LesKo Lexand Lexibook Livtec Logicfox M-way MANTA MIReader MODECOM MSI MTC MYTAB Matrix Matsunichi Mebol Media-Tech Medion Mediox Meizu Merlin MiO MiXzo Microtech Miotex Monster Motorola MoveO MyPhone Mystery NEC NVIDIA Nautilus NavRoad Navitel Neoi Nextbook Nextway Nokia Nomi NuVision Nubia OLT ONN OODO OPPO Oangcc Odeon Odys Onda OnePlus Orion Oscal Overmax Oysters PERECSMART POSH Packard Bell Panasonic Pebble Gear Perfeo Philips PiPO Pierre Cardin Pixus Ployer PocketBook Poco Point of View Polaroid Prestige Prestigio Pritom PrologiX Prology Pulwin Qilive Qumo RCA Ramos Realme Reellex Rekam Ritmix Rolsen Ross&Moor Rover Runbo SENKATEL SENSEIT SGIN SPL-Technik Sannuo Saturn SeeMax Sharp Shturmann Shuttle Sigma mobile Sky Labs SkyTiger SmartQ Smartlife Smarto Sony Sprint StarWay Sunwind Supra Sweex TCL Talius Targa Techbite TechniSat Tecno Telefunken Tenex Terra Tesla Texet Thomson Torex Toshiba Treelogic TrekStar TrekStor Trevi Tronsmart Turbo UMIDIGI UleFone Umax Unihertz Vankyo Vastking Verico Vertex Viewsonic Vivo Voyo Wexler X-Digital Xoro Yarvik Yestel Yifang Yotopt Yuandao ZTE Zebra Zenithink Zifro aPad eStar effire iConcept iRU iRULU iSonic iWatch iconBIT no brand xDevice
Leatherette — artificial material that imitates natural leather. There are several types of leather substitutes, the highest quality (and, accordingly, expensive) can be practically indistinguishable from the skin, at the same time they cost significantly less and do not require complex care. The disadvantages of these materials are relatively low strength, sensitivity to temperature changes, and wear (leatherette wears out faster).