— devices for supplying hot and/or cold water without filtering it. The absence of any filters is the main feature that distinguishes coolers from purifiers. It implies another feature of such devices — almost all of them are designed for the use of bottled water, the most purified and usable without additional filtration. Technically, nothing prevents you from creating a cooler with a connection to the water supply, but in fact this is not justified — such a device would require high-quality external filters, which can not be used everywhere.Coolers are known to many primarily as a source of water in offices, reception rooms, office kitchens, etc. The main advantages of such devices, compared to purifiers, are simplicity, low cost and ease of installation — the cooler does not require troublesome and laborious connection to plumbing. It only needs an outlet nearby to work. However, it is necessary to ensure the regular supply and change of water bottles. Nevertheless, this shortcoming is not critical: bottled water delivery services are available in almost all more or less large cities, and changing a bottle, despite its significant weight, is not a problem for a healthy person.