Coffee grinders with ceramic millstones
Ceramic burrs
— there is a widespread belief that the heat of grinding coffee with metal burrs can alter the flavor of the beans, while ceramics are devoid of this disadvantage. In practice, however, this point is not so much related to the properties of the materials as to the overall quality of the grinders themselves — they are generally more expensive than models with metal burrs and use more advanced design solutions. Ceramics can have a significant impact on the attitude to the product and the final impression of the finished drink, as well as significantly reducing the noise level of the grinder.This option has a drawback – it is sensitive to solid foreign objects. Even tiny impurities, such as a few grains of sand or an accidentally caught paperclip, can result in chips and cracks in the burrs, leading to their failure. Unlike many coffee grinders with metal burrs that can handle various food products, including hard ones, ceramic burrs are designed solely for grinding coffee beans.
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