prices on 52 modelsMicrometer
— measuring instruments designed for determining linear dimensions with high precision — usually up to 0.01 mm. This category includes both traditional micrometers and "caliper micrometers," which have similar measurement accuracy. For more details on the latter, see "Calipers," while here we will discuss classic micrometer devices.These instruments externally resemble clamps — their design is based on a characteristic frame with a clamping screw. The fundamental difference from calipers is that in this case, the movable part does not move freely but is displaced by rotating a precision screw (a "micrometer screw" — named after the instrument). It is precisely this that ensures high positioning accuracy of the measuring jaws and the ability to take measurements with a very small division value. However, the travel of the movable part usually does not exceed 25 mm, which is why different situations may require micrometers of various sizes (see "Length" for more details). Micrometers can be mechanical or digital. For more details, see "Operating Principle" — this list is also relevant for this type of instrument.
It should also be noted that classic micrometers are intended only for measuring external dimensions. For high-precision internal measurements, specialized devices are used — bore gauges (in our catalog, they are classified under "Other Hand Tools").