Refrigerators with hidden handles
prices on 554 modelsHidden door handles
— handles made in the form of recesses on the ends of the refrigerator doors.Such recesses can be located on any side — top, bottom and/or side, depending on the layout of a particular model and the decision of the manufacturer. However, anyway, this feature gives the refrigerator a neat, discreet appearance — with a minimum of unnecessary details on the doors. In addition, a conventional handle can be touched by careless movement, but with a hidden one this is impossible; this moment is especially relevant in cramped conditions. And in models with the possibility of reversing doors (see "More features"), recesses are usually provided on both sides — this eliminates the hassle of rearranging the handles when reversing door.
Of any noticeable drawbacks of such a design, one can only name that it is less “grabbing” and reliable in holding than a conventional handle. Because of this, some users find hidden handles less convenient; in addition, the aesthetic tastes of buyers are also different. Therefore, although most refrigerators on the modern market are equipped with this particular type of handle, models with doors of a more traditional design are also produced in fairly significant quantities. For ease of selection, they are also placed in a separate item in the "Design" list.
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