Wheelbarrows with H-handle
— this category includes models with both conventional H-handles and combined H/U-handles.The classic H-handle is a pair of parallel handles; most often, the handles are located at a fairly significant distance, so that a person can fit between them and keep his hands not in front of him, but on his sides. This position is considered the most suitable for transporting heavy loads on wheelbarrows, especially one-wheeled ones; Therefore, it is among the wheelbarrows that this option is most popular. But trolleys with such a handle are much less common: the load in them is distributed differently, moreover, the H-shape makes it difficult to hold with one hand, which is required quite often in the case of trolleys.
As for the combined structures, they combine a pair of H-shaped handles and a U-shaped crossbar (see the relevant paragraph). This makes it possible to choose the option that is best suited to a particular situation. However, when held by paired handles, such handles (with rare exceptions) do not allow the hands to be held to the sides of the body, as in the traditional H-shape. Therefore, most models with combination handles are carts — they do not require a two-handed hold in the "hands on the sides" format. However, there are also cars with this feature — in them a pair of H-shaped handles can protrude noticeably forward, allowing you to be between the handles and keep your hands on the sides of the body when moving.