AVR type
Relay. Such devices have a transformer with a set of contacts, each of which is responsible for a certain voltage value. Thus, the adjustment is carried out stepwise. And for switching between groups of contacts, a specialized relay is responsible, in full accordance with the name. Being simple and fairly inexpensive devices, relay regulators have high speed (see “Response speed”) and a wide input voltage range (see below). At the same time, the relay gives a rather large error (see "Output voltage accuracy") and is poorly adapted to work with high currents and sudden voltage surges (for example, when using a welding machine) — the contact group is highly likely to burn out. Therefore, models of this type are mostly designed for simple conditions where neither high accuracy nor power is required — for example, they are well suited for connecting individual household appliances. In addition, we note that the operation of the relay is often associated with a significant level of noise (primarily due to the characteristic "click"); this can cause serious inconvenience in residential use.
Thyristor. The device of thyristor stabilizers is in many ways similar to the relay stabilizers described above: in particular, there is the same transformer with a set of separate outputs for step adjustment. However, switching between the windings is carried out not with the help of a relay, but with the help of
...semiconductor devices — thyristors. The principle of their operation is also similar to a relay: a thyristor is able to close and open a circuit with powerful currents, receiving control commands using weak signals. The main design difference of thyristor stabilizers, which gives them an advantage over relay ones, is the absence of a contact group. This allows you to connect a fairly powerful load to such devices, the accuracy of their work is very high, and the noise during switching, unlike relay circuits, is practically absent. On the other hand, thyristors are sensitive to overheating and require the installation of active cooling systems (see below), which accordingly affects the price and dimensions of the device.
— Triac. Stabilizers built on triacs (symmetrical thyristors). In fact, they are a variety of the thyristor devices described above, and from the practical point of view, they do not noticeably differ from them in any way — neither in advantages nor in disadvantages.
— Electromechanical. The operation of such stabilizers is based on the operation of an electric motor (sometimes called a servomotor), which moves a special carbon contact directly along the transformer windings. Depending on the position of the contact, the number of turns of the winding included in the work changes; This is how the voltage is adjusted. Such models are considered one of the best in terms of price / quality ratio, they combine low cost with excellent accuracy and smoothness of adjustment. At the same time, the response speed in them directly depends on the degree of change in the input voltage: the stronger the jump, the greater the distance the brush must travel along the windings. Accordingly, electromechanical stabilizers are poorly suited to work with sharp drops in the network, and therefore, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, the input voltage range (see below) is usually rather narrow. In addition, the brush is erased with constant movement, which requires periodic cleaning of the transformer and replacement of the brush itself; however, such a need does not arise often and usually does not cause difficulties. The operation of the servomotor creates some noise, but in general models of this type are quieter than relay ones (although noticeably louder than solid-state ones).
— ferroresonant. One of the first types of stabilizers mass-produced. The design of such a device is based on a pair of coils, reminiscent of a classic transformer. The characteristics of the coils are selected in such a way that when the input voltage is exceeded, the “extra” part of the magnetic flux from the input coil is diverted into the so-called magnetic shunt, and the magnetic flux through the output coil (and, accordingly, the voltage at its outputs) remained constant. Due to this, ferroresonance models have high speed and smooth operation, good accuracy, as well as a simple and inexpensive design. On the other hand, such stabilizers are not capable of delivering a smooth sinusoidal current, they are highly dependent on the frequency of the input current, they create noise on the line (which requires the use of filters when connecting sensitive electronics), they have a small range of input voltages and load powers (they are unable to operate idle or with overload). In addition, devices of this type are heavy and bulky. As a result, they are considered obsolete and are used relatively rarely.
— Combined. A kind of stabilizers that combines elements of relay and electromechanical models in the design. Usually, for small voltage surges, they use tuning with an electric motor; the relay, in turn, plays the role of insurance and is activated in case of significant deviations that the electromechanical part cannot cope with “alone”. Thanks to this, in one device it was possible to combine the advantages of both options — high tuning accuracy and a wide range of input voltages. However this type of stabilizer also inherited some disadvantages — in particular, the need to clean the brush and noise when the relay is triggered (although the latter happens less often than in purely relay models). In addition, the cost of such units is usually quite high.
— Double conversion. The principle of operation of this type of stabilizer is to convert AC to DC (using a rectifier) and then back to AC (using an inverter). The inverter is set up to provide a near reference voltage and a sine wave over the entire operating range of the input voltage. Thus, the main advantage of double conversion stabilizers is the high accuracy of the output signal, such devices are suitable even for delicate components such as TVs or speakers. In addition, the input voltage range turns out to be quite wide, the reaction to power surges is almost instantaneous, and due to the absence of moving parts, the stabilizer operates quietly and “lives” for a long time. The main disadvantages of such devices are high cost and relatively low efficiency (about 90%).Input voltage
— 230 V (1 phase). Devices for working with a standard 230 V household network. This can include models of almost any power — from small devices designed to protect one device (for example, a refrigerator or TV) to large units that can “pull out” an entire apartment or even an office. Note that single-
phase stabilizers can also be used with three-phase networks, moreover, they often even turn out to be more convenient than three-phase ones; see below for more on this.
— 400 V (3 phases). Stabilizers designed for a three-phase network with a voltage of 400 V. Note that "in its pure form" such power is used in high-power units — in particular, machine tools and other similar industrial equipment. At the same time, a single-phase load can also be connected to a three-phase network without much difficulty — the voltage on each individual phase is 230 V. In fact, this means that a
three-phase stabilizer is not necessarily required for a 400 V network — it is definitely needed only if There is a load in the system with a full three-phase power supply that needs to be protected. If all connected devices are single-phase, then it may be more convenient to use single-phase stabilizers for each individual device or group of devices. They are simpler and cheaper, and besides, they remain operational in the event of a power failure in one of the phases (unlike three-phase ones, which require “full-format” power).
The maximum active load power allowed for this model.
Active power is the power that in AC appliances is spent on useful work or on heat generation. In addition to it, such devices also consume reactive power — it goes to the operation of specific components, primarily capacitors and inductors. Apparent power, denoted in volt-amperes (kilovolt-amperes), is the sum of active and reactive, see below about it. Here we note that in simple everyday situations, there is enough data on active power indicated in watts for calculations. In particular, it is this parameter that is considered the key when choosing stabilizers
for washing machines and
dishwashers : in the first case, power from 2 to 5 kW is considered optimal, in the second — from 1.8 to 2.5 kW.
Anyway, the total active power of the connected load should not exceed the figures indicated in the characteristics of the stabilizer. For a full guarantee, it's ok to take a certain margin, but this margin should not be too large — an increase in the allowable power significantly affects the dimensions, weight and price of the device. Also note that there are formulas that allow you to convert the active power consumption into total power, taking into account the type of connected electrical appliance; these formulas can be found in special sources.
Maximum apparent load power allowed for this model
In electrical engineering, full power is called, which takes into account both active and reactive power; the first type of power is discussed above, and the second can be described as the effect of windings, inductors and capacitors on the operation of AC networks. Apparent power is the main parameter for calculating loads on equipment in professional electrical engineering; it is usually denoted in volt-amperes (VA), in the case of stabilizers — in kilovolt-amperes (kVA). Note that for convenience, different types of power in electrical engineering are denoted by units with different names. That is why the power in W indicated in the characteristics of the stabilizer is usually not equal to its power in VA.
When choosing a stabilizer for some household appliances, it is quite enough to have active power data, but if possible it is better to use the full one. In particular, it is this parameter that is key when looking for
a stabilizer for a refrigerator or
a stabilizer for a boiler : in the first case, 0.4 – 1 kVA is considered the optimal value, in the second — from 0.1 to 0.7 kVA. However, anyway, it is necessary to choose a specific model in such a way that its total power is not lower than the total power of the entire connected load — and it is better to have a reserve (in case of unforeseen circumstances or connecting additional eq
...uipment). At the same time, note that powerful models are distinguished by large dimensions and weight, and most importantly, high cost; therefore, it does not always make sense to chase the maximum numbers.
Also note that there are formulas that allow you to derive the optimal total power of the stabilizer based on data on active power and type of load; they can be found in special sources.Output voltage accuracy (±)
The largest deviation from the nominal output voltage (230 V or 400 V, depending on the number of phases), which the regulator allows when operating in the normal input voltage range (see above). The smaller this deviation, the more efficiently the device works, the more accurately it adapts to “changes in the situation” and the less voltage fluctuations the connected load is exposed to.
When choosing for this parameter, it is worth considering first of all how demanding the connected devices are for voltage stability. On the one hand, high stability is good for any device, on the other hand, it usually means a high price. Accordingly, it usually does not make sense to buy an advanced stabilizer for an unpretentious load like light bulbs and heaters, but for sensitive devices like audio systems or computers, it can be very useful.
Response time
The rate at which the regulator responds to changes in input voltage. It is determined by the time that passes from the moment of a power surge until the moment when the device fully adjusts to the new parameters and the output current corresponds to the standard 230 or 400 V (depending on the number of phases, see above). Accordingly, the shorter the response time, the better the stabilizer works, the lower the likelihood that a power surge will significantly affect the connected equipment. On the other hand, not all types of electrical appliances are sensitive to speed — for some, smooth adjustment or voltage accuracy is more important (see above); and the high speed itself can significantly affect the price of the device. Therefore, when choosing by this parameter, it makes sense to consider which devices are planned to be connected through the stabilizer.
The efficiency of the stabilizer is the ratio, expressed as a percentage, between the amount of electricity at the output of the device to the amount of energy at the input. In other words, efficiency describes how much of the energy received from the network the device transfers to the connected load without loss. And losses during operation will be inevitable — firstly, not a single transformer is perfect, and secondly, the control circuits of the stabilizer also require a certain amount of energy to work. At the same time, all these costs are quite small, and even in relatively simple modern models, the efficiency can reach 97-98%.
The type of voltmeter provided in the design of the stabilizer, or rather — the type of scale used by this device. This
voltmeter itself allows monitoring of voltage — usually both at the input and output — which facilitates control over the stabilizer's operation. For this purpose, two separate scales are most often provided, but there are also "single" voltmeters with a switch to choose between input and output voltage. As for the type of scales, the following options are available:
— Analog. Analog voltmeters are equipped with a traditional type of scale — with divisions marked on it and a needle. They are simpler and cheaper than digital ones, but less accurate — even in the most precise devices, the error in readings can be 5-10 V just due to the peculiarities of reading information from such a scale. In some inexpensive models, analog voltmeters serve more as general indicators rather than precise instruments. At the same time, for most everyday tasks, such accuracy is quite sufficient.
— Digital. In such voltmeters, the role of the scale is played by a digital
display, where voltage values can be displayed with an accuracy of up to a volt — this is the main advantage of this option over analog. The drawbacks include the complexity and relatively high cost of digital indicators. Moreover, such high accuracy may be critical in the professional field, but in everyday life, it is not
...always necessary. Accordingly, in inexpensive low-power stabilizers, a digital voltmeter is often more of a marketing ploy than a real necessity.Grounded sockets
The number of
sockets for 230 V with grounding provided in the design of the stabilizer.
Some electrical appliances, such as refrigerators and washing/dishwashers, must be grounded when connected. This point should not be ignored — there is a risk of a serious electric shock. Accordingly, the number of sockets with grounding corresponds to the maximum number of such devices that can be simultaneously connected to the stabilizer without the use of splitters. At the same time, ungrounded devices can also be connected to such sockets.