Night vision binoculars
— binoculars include all night vision devices that have two eyepieces and are designed for viewing with two eyes at once. The most advanced type of such devices involves the presence of a pair of lenses, which makes it possible to see a three-dimensional image, but significantly affects the cost. Another option is pseudobinoculars, devices where the image from one lens is displayed on two eyes. The image in them looks flat, as in monoculars, but the ability to look into the device with both eyes at once can be very useful in some situations; at the same time, such devices are cheaper and lighter than full-fledged binoculars. Note that it is possible to work normally with any device of this form factor only if the user has no problems with binocular vision. In the absence of one eye, strabismus and some other diseases, binoculars, at best, lose most of their advantages, and at worst, they are generally inapplicable.
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