Carburetor cleaners
For carburetor
— additives designed to service the fuel injection systems of gasoline engines. In accordance with the name, they are mainly designed for carburetors, but the matter is not limited to this: there are compositions for which compatibility with injectors is also claimed. Also note that some injector additives (see the relevant paragraph) can also be used with carburetors. The specific purpose should be specified in each case separately, according to the instructions for the additive. However, if you are looking for an additive for a carburetor engine, anyway, you should first of all pay attention to this category.According to the method of operation, almost all such compounds are flushes — they clean the injection system from soot, deposits, foreign contaminants, etc. At the same time, some additives of this type are also positioned as cleaners for the entire fuel system, not only for the carburetor (injector) .
Similar formulations used in diesel engines are usually labeled as "injector" additives (see related paragraph).