SSD and SSHD laptops
2 drives (SSHD+SSD M.2)
— laptops equipped with two drives at once: an M.2 solid-state SSD module and hybrid SSHD.For more information about the first variety, see "Drive Features — SSD M.2". As for SSHD, these are hybrid media that combine classic hard drive (HDD) and small-capacity solid-state module in one case. This built-in module is used as fast cache to speed up access to the main SSHD volume. Its presence slightly increases the cost, but hybrid drive is still much cheaper than an SSD of the corresponding volume, while it works faster than classic HHD.
As for combining such drives, theoretically this is one of the most advanced options found in modern laptops: high-speed M.2 module is complemented by capacious and also quite fast hybrid drive. At the same time, this combination is more expensive than the more traditional "HDD + SSD" option (see the relevant paragraph); and the speed of SSHD, with separate solid-state module, is not often really necessary. Therefore, nowadays, such configurations are produced very little.