UFC series games
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— a series of sports simulations dedicated to mixed martial arts (MMA), officially licensed by the eponymous organization — Ultimate Fighting Championship — which organizes tournaments in this style. Since 2014, EA Sports has been releasing games in the series, the full name of such games is considered to be EA Sports UFC, in total, three parts of them were released for 2019 — in 2014, 2015 and 2018.An interesting feature introduced in the first EA Sports UFC is adaptive artificial intelligence that monitors the player's style and tries to adapt to them. This makes the gameplay more interesting and forces the player himself to react quickly to changes in the situation. However, the success of the game can not be called outstanding, it received mixed reviews from critics. The second part turned out to be more successful: many previous mistakes were taken into account, the number of fighters increased to 250, and the number of available tricks also increased. The third part was the most successful, where the main criticism was no longer the gameplay, but the microtransaction system, which requires the investment of real money for an adequate rate of development of the characteristics of the fighters controlled by the player.
All games in the series are intended for consoles (PS, Xbox) and have not been ported to PC.